Friday, June 14, 2019

The Determinants of Effective Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Determinants of Effective Leadership - Essay ExampleAs the discussion decl atomic number 18s in force(p) leaders in an organization are executives who support the optimal mathematical process of a group of subordinates. They are known to add great value to an organization. super effective executives who are also known as peak performers are noted to have productivity rates that are 25 to 50 percent higher than their minimally effective or poorly performing counterparts. Highly effective leadership is characterized by productivity, health, relational behaviour, or any combination of these factors, which result in slaying at optimal level.This paper highlights thatthe main goals of effective leadership are facilitating organizational goal setting and helping to achieve them, promoting optimal levels of individual motivation, commitment and satisfaction, facilitating effective interactions among individuals within teams, helping employees to set high goals for themselves, and p lace the organizations effectiveness above their own self-interests.The effective leader operates concurrently on the performance as well as the stack of the organization or unit. Performance depicts both the process of how things get done, the length of time taken, as well as the outcome of productivity and quality. The aim of performance is productivity and the aim for people is health.The effective leader operates both successfully, involving both productivity and health.

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