Saturday, June 1, 2019

Divorce Essay -- essays research papers

Broken families are on since the beginning of humanity. In fact, divorce, which has been very common in todays societies, is the major cause that leads to family devastation. However, although, in some cases, divorce is the only settlement for a family to live in peace, one must think many times forrader taking such decision, and that is because of many . When life becomes unbearable between a women an her husband, they may think of divorce as being a fair solution for both of them to get their independence and live a normal life, they may even think that it is suitable for their children. However, this is not the case , divorce may fork up some serious consequences that can affect the whole society . Many religions disapprove of divorce. For instance, Islam is against divorce, and even if it is tolerated, it must be the last alternative to do. As we crawl in from the Quran, it was never gods plan for families to experience such devastation, and that is because of many conseque nces that many affect not only the divorced couple or their children, barely also the whole society. A community where divorce is common doesnt have strong links and relationships among its people, and hence will lack of solidarity and unity. Beside, divorce and blow of marriages make people lose confidence in marriage and behave against the religious and ethical ideals to satisfy their natural desires. For these reasons, Islam has given to men the right to link up four women this may prevent men, at least...

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