Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Information Technology Revolution Impact on the Third World Countries Research Paper

Information Technology Revolution Impact on the Third World Countries - Research Paper ExampleAs the topic declares information technology advancement seems to lack in terms of its progress specifically, in the third solid ground countries. It is necessary to note that some of the third universe of discourse countries are allowing room for this new way of development. Indulging in new technologies of information also introduces skillful ways of living. This is for individuals that mostly seem to be pioneer to the idea of computer skills plus other associated technological ways. This improved way of life seems not to be common among everybody. This symbolizes luck of harmony in the domain. This imbalance of information advancement also brings up disparity especially in sovereignty matters. This can be seen between the first origination and the third world countries. First world countries fall under the likes of North American countries, European countries plus the eastern part of Asia. Third world countries lay mostly in the African continent and the middle of Asia. The beginning of the information advancement has made individuals review their positive passion concerning the technological world. This essay stresses that the information technology innovation in the third world countries, similar to all revolutions, comes along with it a newer and more vital gap between social groups and nations. The problem that third world countries faces is the ability to introduce a computer plus other newer technological equipments, the skill to reach the world of Internet, the ability to recognize its complex courses, the knowledge of reasonableness its data and coming up with the appropriate queries. This brings out with clarity, the proof of the digital information gap. Therefore, individuals should begin to see that getting into information technology revolution acts as a way of closing the gap that exists between social classes among individuals. The two pointer s of the information technology gap include technical advancement and network sentience. It aims to inform people that the technological gap between countries is raising. For instance, the percentage of Internet users in the African world recently fell above 10% (Jambi 80). Objectives This melodic theme will propose the advantages that come with information technology revolution in the third world states. Its main goal is to encourage third world countries to identify up information technology advancement. This will in turn influence their development. People cannot reject that the sense of the worldwide set-up of the new technologies does not recognize the carriage of borders between countries, traditions and society. This comes about because these technologies all try their best to chew at the nations dominion over their cognitive and information freedom. This gives them favor over the worldwide grocery store (Jambi 80). Despite the struggle of the third world to advance in i nformation technology, the current technological revolution will eventually affect their side of the world

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