Saturday, June 15, 2019

Organizational Behavior Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Behavior Principles - Essay ExampleIf there is no conflict within a group, the question is whether the group is actually in substance agreement or whether the members of the group lack innovative thinking and are therefore willing to accept any project set forth At this groups level of management, it seems unlikely that either of these situations exists. Therefore, where there is conflict, there must be resolution. Otherwise, the unresolved conflict will build with time, and success of the group will be compromised (Heathfield, 2002).Team Work - In any team, diversity can be an issue. The personalities of the team members, gender, ethnic background, and attitude all must be considered in creating a working relationship with fellow team members. Understanding and appreciating differences becomes a major consideration in resolving conflicts, as well as the ability of the team to reach an agreement when looking at a new proposal. Teams must have respect for each other and show a willingness to listen to other solutions, rather than considering ones solution to be the only one (Becton, Wysocki, Kepner, 2002).Cooperation and Compromise - In discussing suggestions for project ideas to be present

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