Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Problems Of Modernization In Developing Nations Essays -- essays resea

Problems of Modernization in Developing NationsThe economic part which exists in the developing world today, is the essence of the relationship between the modern, and developing nations of theworld. Modernized nations benefited from this relationship because it gave themaccess to natural resources. However, because of this relationship, manydeveloping nations now suffer from severe problems. These nations areattempting to change the situation in which they struggle.A political cartoon I have recently seen illustrated the economic relationshipbetween the industrialized world and the developing world. It shows that theindustrial nations, The linked States and Europe, are located in the northernhemisphere. On the other hand most of the developing world, Central and SouthAmerica and Africa, are found in the southern hemisphere. The "well fed", welldressed individual holding the industrialized world indicates that themodernized nations of the world are prosperous, and have a high up measuring ofliving. The skinny, poorly dressed individual holding the developing worldindicates that the developing nations of the world are not prosperous, and havea lower standard of living than do industrialized nations. Both individuals aresupporting each other in such a way that if one is removed, the other result fall.Without resources to use, industry would not be able to maintain its existence.Likewise, without a market for their resources, or the products of indus...

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