Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Thirty-three

CRIES AND SCREAMS FROM THE audience told me my disguise was g single.Many eyes also went to Dimitri. Adrian had dropped that illusion as well as, once Id shed mine. And, as wed been expecting, the guardians who had been step by step taking up position around us surged forward, armed with handguns. I still thought that was cheating. Fortunately, my m separate and Mikhail moved quickly into place to block our attackers and deter any gunshots.Dont, I snapped at Dimitri, who I knew was probably virtually to join our both defenders. It was crucial he and I stay perfectly still, so we werent interpreted as threats. I so far went as far as to realise up my arms, andreluctantly, I suspectedDimitri did too. Wait. Please listen to us first.The guardian hardening was tight, with no gaps. I was pretty sure my mom and Mikhail were the only thing keeping them from shooting us then and on that point. Guardians would forever avoid fighting other guardians if possible. Two blockers were pro spering to take set ashore, though, and these guardians wouldnt wait forever. Jill and Abe suddenly moved forward, taking positions next to us. More shields. I saw one of the looming guardians grimace. Civilians complicated things. Adrian had not moved, that the fact that he was enclosed in the circle at all still made him an obstacle.Haul us off later if you want, I said. We wont resist. further you have to allow us talk first. We accredit who bulge egressed the queen. So do we, said one of the guardians. Now, the rest of you rearwards away before youre hurt. These are heartrending fugitives.They need to talk, said Abe. They have evidence.Again, he pushed forward with his case, acting confidently active things he had no clue about. He was staking it all on me. I was starting to the like him. It was kind of unfortunate that our evidence wasnt as 100 percent solid as Id hoped, only when as Id said earlier technicalities. permit them talk.It was a new voice, unless a v oice I knew by heart. Lissa pushed her way through deuce of the guardians. They held their tight position, the immediate concern being that we not take out. This allowed her to slip throughbut only so one could grab her arm and stop her from reaching us.Theyve come this far. They were right about Jill. Boy, that was not easy for her to say with a straight face, seeing as she hadnt entirely come to terms with the issue. My imminent death was probably the only thing distracting her from the earth burst experience of learning she had a potential sibling. She too was taking a lot on faith here, confident I was telling the truth. Youve got them. They cant go anywhere. middling let them talk. Ive got evidence to support their case too.Id manipulate off on sharing that, Liss, I said in a low voice. Lissa still believed Daniella was the sea wolf and wasnt going to like hearing the truth. Lissa flashed me a confused look but didnt protest. permits hear them, said one of the guardiansan d not average any Hans. After an escape like they pulled, Id really like to know what brought them mainstay.Hans was helping us? unless, he continued, Im sure you two will understand well have to restrain you before you blade your great reveal.I looked at Dimitri who had already turned to me. Wed both known what we were getting ourselves into, and honestly, this was a better scenario than Id en rafted.Okay, said Dimitri. He glanced at our noble protectors. Its okay. Let them get through.My mom and the others didnt move right away. Do it, I said. Dont end up as our cellmates.I thought for sure those loveable fools wouldnt listen to me. but Mikhail backed off first, and then the others did too, practically in sync. In a flash, guardians seized them all, leading them away. Dimitri and I stayed put, and four guardians moved in, two for Dimitri and two for me. Adrian had retreated with the others, but Lissa still stood a few feet away from us, all her trust in me.Get on with it, said Hans. He gripped my right arm tightly.I met Lissas eyes, hating what I had to say. But, no. She wasnt the one I was worried about hurting the most. Looking out into the audience, I found Christian, who was understandably watching this drama with avid attention. I had to turn away and stare at the crowd as a whole, refusing to see individual faces. Just a blur.I didnt kill Tatiana Ivashkov, I said. several(prenominal) people grumbled doubtfully. I didnt like her. But I didnt kill her. I glanced at Hans. Youve questioned the janitor who testified about where I was during the murder, right? And he IDd the man who attacked Lissa as the one who paid him off to lie about where I was? Id learned from Mikhail that Joe had eventually admitted to taking money from the mystery Moroi, once the guardians had cornered him with the picture.Hans frowned, hesitated, and then nodded for me to continue.Theres no drop off of his existenceat least not with the guardians. But the Alchemists know who he is. They saw him at one of their facilitiesacting as someones bodyguard. My eyes fell on Ethan Moore, who stood with the guardians near the door. A bodyguard for someone who was let in to see Tatiana the night she died Tasha Ozera.There was no need for any uproar from the audience this date because Tasha more than made up for it on her own. Shed been sitting next to Christian and sprang up from her chair.What on earth are you saying, Rose? she exclaimed. are you out of your soul?When Id stood there defiantly, ready to face the crowd and demand retributiveice, Id been full of triumph and power. Now now I was just sad as I stared at someone Id always trusted, someone who was staring back at me with so much shock and hurt.I wish I was but its true. We both know it is. You killed Tatiana.Tashas disbelief grew, tinged now with a little anger, though she still seemed to be giving me the benefit of the doubt. I never, never believed you killed herand Ive fought for you on that. Why are you doing this? Are you playing on the Strigoi taint in our family? I thought you were above that kind of prejudice.I swallowed. Id thought getting evidence would be the hard part. It was aught compared to revealing it. What Im saying has nothing to do with Strigoi. I almost wish it did. You hated Tatiana for her age law and refusal to let Moroi fight. Another memory came to me, when Tasha had learned about the secret training sessions. Tasha had been aghast with what I now suspected might have been guilt at misjudging the queen.The crowd was riveted and stunned, but one person came to sustenance an Ozera I didnt know but who apparently had family solidarity on his mind. He stood up, crossing his arms defiantly. Half this Court hated Tatiana for that law. You among them.I didnt have my bodyguard payoff a witness or attack LisPrincess Dragomir. And dont pretend you didnt know the guy, I warned her. He was your bodyguard. You were seen together. Ians description of her when she visited St. Louis had been perfectly clear long black hair, pale regretful eyes, and scarring on one side of her face.Rose, I cant even believe this is happening, but if Jamesthat was his namedid whatever youre talking about, then he acted alone. He always had radical ideas. I knew that when I hired him as outside protection, but I never thought he was capable of murder. She glanced around, looking for someone in charge, and finally settled on the Council. Ive always believed Rose was innocent. If James is the one responsible for this, then Im more than happy to tell you whatever I know to clear Roses name.So, so easy. The mystery MoroiJameswas almost everywhere Tasha had been. Hed also been spotted in suspicious situations where she hadnt beenlike Joes bribery and Lissas attack. I could save Tasha and just blame it all on him. He was already dead. Tasha and I could stay friends. Shed acted on principle, right? What was slander with that? Christian stood up beside her, looking at me like I was a stranger. Rose, how can you say any of this? You know her. You know she wouldnt do it. Stop making a scene and let us encounter out how that James guy killed the queen. So, so easy. Blame the dead man.James couldnt have staked Tatiana, I said. He had an injured hand. It takes both hands for a Moroi to stake someone. Ive seen it happen twice now. And I bet if you can get a straight answer out of Ethan Moore I glanced over at the guardian who had gone pale. He could probably jump into a fight and kill without hesitation. But this kind of scrutiny? And eventual interrogation by his peers? I didnt hold hed hold up. It was probably the reason Tasha had been able to manipulate him. James wasnt there the night Tatiana died, was he? And I dont think Daniella Ivashkov was either, despite what Princess Dragomir was told earlier. But Tasha was. She was in the queens chambersand you didnt discover it.Ethan looked like he cute to bolt, but his odds of escape were about as good as mine and Dimitris. He slowly move his head. Tasha wouldnt kill anyone. Not exactly the confirmation of her location I wantedbut close. The guardians would get more out of him later.Rose Christian was pissed off now. see him look at me with such outrage hurt even more than Tashas expression. Stop itLissa took a few hesitant steps forward. I could feel in her mind that she didnt want to believe what I was saying either yet she still trusted me. She thought of a controversial solution. I know its wrong but if we used compulsion on the suspects Dont even suggest that exclaimed Tasha, turning her sharp eyes on Lissa. Stay out of this. Your futures on the line here. A future that could withstand you great and achieve the things our people need.A future you could manipulate, I realized. Lissa believes in a lot of the reforms you do and you think you could convince her of ones she doesnt. specially if shes with your nephew. Thats why youve fought so hard to change the quorum law. You wanted her to be queen.Christian started to step forward, but Tasha laid a restraining hand on his shoulder. It didnt stop him from speaking. Thats idiotic. If she wanted Lissa to be queen, why make that James guy attack her?That was a mystery for me too, one of the holes I hadnt quite figured out. But Dimitri had. Conscious of his two guards, he shifted closer to me.Because no one was conjectural to die. Dimitris low, resonant voice sounded wonderful with the rooms acoustics. He needed no microphone as he order his words to Tasha. You didnt expect a guardian to be with her. He was right, I realized. Eddie had been drafted that night under weird circumstances and only barely made it back in time to see Ambrose with Lissa. James was probably going to fake an attack and run enough to generate sympathy and more support for Vasilisa. Which it sure enough didjust a little more severely.The outrage on Tashas face transformed to something I couldnt entirely gauge right away. Shed seemed offended at my accusations, but from Dimitriit was more. She looked legitimately hurt. Crushed. I knew that look. Id seen it on Adrians face a couple hours ago.Dimka, not you too, she said.Through Lissas eyes, I watched the colors of Tashas aura shift, burn a little brighter as she gazed at Dimitri. I could see exactly what Sonya had explained to me, how the aura showed affection.And thats why I took the fall, I murmured softly. No one but Dimitri and our guardians heard me.Hmm? Dimitri asked.I just shook my head. All this time, Tasha had still loved Dimitri. I knew she had decease year, when shed made him an offer to hook up and have kidsnot something a lot of dhampir men had the endangerment to get. Hed refused, and I thought she had accepted simply being friends with him. She hadnt. Shed still loved him. When Lissa had revealed my relationship with Dimitri to Hans, Tasha had already known. But for how long? I wasnt sure. Shed obviously known about the relationship b efore killing Tatiana, and putting the murder on me left Tasha free and clear and opened back up her chances with Dimitri.There was no invest in bringing up her personal motives for blaming me. Tatianas murder was the real issue at stake. I just looked at Hans. You can take me into custody, I meant it. But dont you think youve got enough to take herand Ethanin too?Hanss face was unreadable. His feelings toward me had always gone back and forth, since the day we met. Sometimes I was a troublemaker without a future. Other times I had the potential to be a leader. Hed believed I was a murderer, yet hed still allowed me to address the crowd. He didnt really like my friends either. What would he do now?He lifted his eyes from my face and looked to where several guardians were stationed in the audience, ready for any action. He gave a curt nod. Take bird Ozera. And Moore. Well question them.Seeing as Tasha was seated amidst other people, there was a bit of fear and panic when four guard ians moved toward her. They avoided injuring other audience members as much as possible, but there was still plenty of pushing and shoving. What came as a total surprise was how fiercely Tasha fought back. She was trained, I remembered. Not in the same way guardians were, but enough to make it hard to get a hold of her. She could kick and punchand stake queensand even managed to pick apart one guardian down.She might actually try to fight her way out of here, I realizedthough I didnt believe for an instant she could. It was too crowded and chaotic. Guardians were heading toward the fray. Terrified Moroi were trying to get away from the fight. Everybody seemed to be getting in everyone elses way. Suddenly, a loudcrack echoed through the room. A gunshot. Most of the Moroi dropped to the floor, though guardians unbroken coming. Holding a handgun she must have seized from the guardian shed knocked over, Tasha grabbed the first Moroi she could with her free hand. So help me, it was Mia Rinaldi. Shed been sitting near Christian. I didnt think Tasha even noticed her hostage choice. Dont move Tasha yelled at the encroaching guardians. The gun was at Mias head, and I mat up my heart stop. How had things escalated to this point? Id never foreseen this. My task was supposed to be neat and tidy. Reveal Tasha. Put her away. Done.The guardians froze, less because of her command and more because they were sizing up how to deal with the total threat. Meanwhile, Tasha began to slowlyvery slowlymake her way toward the exit, dragging Mia along. Her progress was slow and unwieldy, thanks to all the chairs and people in the way. The delay gave the guardians time to solve this ugly dilemma. They come first. Mias lifea Moroi lifewas on the line. The guardians didnt want Mia killed, but a gun-toting warrior Moroi also couldnt be allowed to go free.The thing was, Tasha wasnt the only warrior Moroi in the room. She had probably picked the worst hostage possible, and I could tell by the glint in Mias eyes that she was not going to go quietly. Lissa realized this too. One or both of them were going to get killed, and Lissa couldnt let that happen. If she could get Tasha to look at her, she could compel her into submission.No, no, no, I thought. I didnt need another friend involved.Both Lissa and I saw Mia tensing to break her way out of Tashas hold. Lissa realized she had to act now. I could feel it through the bond. I could feel her thoughts, the decision, even the way her bodys muscles and nerves moved forward to get Tashas attention. I felt it all so clearly, as if we shared the same body. I knew where Lissa would move before she even did.Tasha, please dontLissa sprang forward, her plaintive cry interrupted as Mia kicked back at Tasha and broke away, slipping down out of the guns reach. Tasha, startled on two fronts, still had her gun pointed out. With Mia out of her grasp and everything happening so fast, Tasha devilishly fired off a couple shots at the firs t threat moving toward herwhich wasnt the rapidly approaching guardians. It was a slim figure in exsanguinous who had shouted at Tasha.Or, well, it would have been. Like I said, Id known exactly where Lissa would step and what she would do. And in those precious seconds before she acted, I broke out of my captors hold and threw myself before Lissa. Someone leapt after me, but they were too late. That was when Tashas gun had gone off. I felt a biting and burning in my chest, and then there was nothing but wounda pain so complete and so intense it was almost beyond comprehension.I felt myself falling, felt Lissa inherited me and yelling somethingmaybe to me, maybe to someone else. There was so much commotion in the room that I didnt know what had happened with Tasha. There was just me and the pain that my mind was trying to block out. The world seemed to grow quieter and quieter. I saw Lissa looking down on me, shouting something I couldnt hear. She was beautiful. Brilliant. Crowne d in blithesome but there was darkness closing in around her. And in that darkness, I saw the faces the ghosts and spirits that always followed me. Thicker they grew, closing in. Beckoning.A gun. I had been brought down by a gun. It was practically comical. Cheaters, I thought. Id spent my life focusing on hand-to-hand combat, learning to dodge fangs and powerful hands that could snap my neck. A gun? It was so well, easy. Should I be insulted? I didnt know. Did it matter? I didnt know that either. All I knew in that moment was that I was going to die, regardless.My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in, and I swore, it was like I could hear Robert whispering in my ear The world of the dead wont give you up a second time.Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitris face join Lissas. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world. The dead could finally have me. And Id fulfilled my pur pose, right? To protect? Id done it. Id saved Lissa, just like Id sworn Id always do. I was dying in battle. No appointment books for me.Lissas face shone with tears, and I hoped that mine conveyed how much I loved her. With the last spark of life I had left, I tried to speak, tried to let Dimitri know I loved him too and that he had to protect her now. I dont think he understood, but the words of the guardian mantra were my last conscious thought.They come first.

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