Friday, May 31, 2019

Phosphates :: essays research papers

PhosphatesPhosphates may be created by substituting some or all of the total heat of aphosphoric acid by metals. Depending on the number of hydrogen atoms that atomic number 18replaced, the resulting compound is described as a primary, secondary or tertiary phosphate. Primary and secondary phosphates contain hydrogen and areacid salts. Secondary and tertiary phosphates, with the exception of those ofsodium, potassium and ammonium are insoluble in piddle. ordinal sodium phosphateis valuable as a detergent and water softener. The primary phosphates tend to bemore soluble.Phosphates, which are an important component to metamorphosis in bothplants and animals, help in the first step in oxidation of glucose in the body.Primary calcium phosphate is an ingredient of plant fertilizer.Phosphates keep caused increasing attention recently. The focus is onthe environmentally harmful effects in household detergents. Wastewater, fromlaundering agents, contains phosphates, which are said to be a water pollutant.Most laundry detergents contain approximately 35% to 75% sodiumtriphosphate (Na5P3O10), which serves two purposes. Providing an alkalinesolution (pH 9.0 to 10.5) is necessary for effective cleansing and also to linkup calcium and magnesium ions found in natural waters and prevent them frominterfering with the cleansing role of the detergent.Eutrophication is the progressive over-fertilization of water, in whichfestering heap of algaes blooms, choking rivers and lakes. Phosphoruscompounds act as a fertilizer for all plant life, whether free-floating algaeor more substantial rooted weeds, and are implicate in eutrophication. Manycountries control phosphate levels, whereas Switzerland has banned the use ofphosphates.The marine environment is both fragile and more resistant than theterrestrial ecosystem. It is fragile for the reasons that nutrients aregenerally present in very low concentrations, permanently consumed by livingorganisms and pollutants diffuse rapid ly.Lakes and rivers are extremely complex ecosystems. Nutrients are takenup by both algae and rooted weeds. The weeds act as a shelter for fish larvaeand zooplankton, both of which eat algae and are, in turn, eaten by larger fish.Scientists have concluded that unpolluted lakes can absorb surprisingly largeamounts of phosphates without uncertainty. When a fertilizer, such as aphosphate, is added more algae depart grow, and consequently will the universesof zooplankton and fish. Difficulties only arise when the lake is already impure.Zooplankton are sensitive to their environment and many substances are toxic tothem. If any of these substances, including phosphates, are present thezooplankton population cannot increase. Adding phosphates to this pollutedsystem will case algae growth. The floating masses cut off the light supply.Weeds die and decompose using up dissolved oxygen, and causing sulfurous smells

Thursday, May 30, 2019

An Analysis of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello Essays

Think on thy sins (5.2.43) he says, They are loves I bear to you (5.2.44) I respond. Ay, and for that pace diest (5.2.45). There is no pleading with my lord, his once amorous filled eyes are now brimming with anger, and anguish. This whole conversation has turned my mind into mush. How roll in the hay he reckon that I would ever love Cassio? Is it not plain that he, Othello, is my lord and the only object of my affection? Does it not matter? I think it doesnt. Othellos whole body is shaking (5.2.50) and his eyes are rolling (5.2.41), these signs do not bode well for my life. Worse yet, he has already had Cassio killed. Oh, cast away me, my lord, kill me not (5.2.88) I beg, Down, Strumpet, he is undeterred (5.2.89). It is too late (5.2.95). I am not sure if I thought that, or if Othello verbalize it. Either way, it is too late. His strong, calloused fingers are clutching my throat, violently squeezing until all of the air leaves my lungs. Spots- I see sight. Brightly colored yel low, red and blue spots. The spots grow and take shape. Images and scenes from my life are passing before my eyes, and then it hits me. O, falsely, falsely murdered I cry (5.2.126). Emilia is here, Sweet Desdemona, O fragrance mistress, speak she begs (5.2.131). I must tell her, A guiltless death I die (5.2.132). O, who hath done this deed? Emilia inquires (5.2.133). She has to know the truth, Nobody, I myself. Farewell. recall me to my kind lord. O, farewell (5.2.134-135). As the saying goes, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. For Desdemona, this is especially true. Desdemona was innocent and nave to a fault. Her determination to mend the relationship between Cassio and Othello, only served to sustain the seed of doubt that was planted in Othello... ... the light of heaven I know not how I lost him (4.2.152-153). Once Iago planted the seed, created the story and showed Othello that Cassio had the Handkerchief, Desdemona was rendered guilty. It did not matter how much Desdemon a protested, or denied the story, Iagos reputation as an honest man superseded Desdemonas reputation as a woman who, according to Iago, so young could give out such seeming, to seel her fathers eyes up close as oak, he thought twas witchcraft (3.3.213-215). Desdemonas final line in the play shows that she believes she was responsible for her own death. In truth, however, the only sin Desdemona ever committed was bearing loves to the moor of Venice.Works CitedShakespeare, William. The disaster of Othello, Moor of Venice. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Julia Reidhead. New York .W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. 2119-2191. Print.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Whiskey Rebellion Essay -- American History

The end of the American Revolution wasnt the end of political turmoil in the get together States. In the years after the Revolution, political parties formed and disbanded, rebellions started, and even celebrations became increasingly political. Each political faction had a different idea of what the Revolution meant and what the upcoming of the country looked like. The conflicting views of American politics began to manifest in holiday celebrations, governmental affairs, and even rebellions.The Whiskey Rebellion was created from many issues, not just the attain tax on whiskey. Farmers in western Pennsylvania blocked roads to prevent tax collectors from reaching them and to show their disdain for the taxes placed on the farmers that they couldnt pay. Western Pennsylvanians felt democracy was being undermined by the state and nationals governments. They also believed the government favored the wealthy. Revolutionary veterans were angered over the payment of war debt IOUS. intimate ly IOUs had been bought by the upper class, which had to power to demand they be paid in full, while they had paid the original owners of the IOUs a fraction of its value. The government obliged them by creating the Funding Act of 1790 to raise money to pay the war debt IOUs. To protest the unfairness of the government, a militia of about 9,000 troops gathered and began a calm march to Pittsburgh. Federalists were worried that what had happened to France (revolution and execution of their king) would happen to the United States if protest against the Funding Act and whiskey tax wasnt put down. The protestors didnt see themselves as insurgents like the Federalists did. They believed they were defenders of liberty. No force was needed by the government though. O... ...Carolina Press, 1997), 129 Lecture notes, November 17, 2011 Waldstreicher, thoroughgoing(a) Fetes, 129 Eric Nellis, The Long Road to Change Americas Revolution, 1750-1820 (Ontario Broadview Press, 2007), 221 Lance Ban ning, shore leave and Order The First American Party Struggle, (Indianapolis Liberty Fund, 2004), 225. Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 144-147 Bouton, Taming Democracy, 246 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 113 Bouton, Taming Democracy, 244-52. Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 38 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 71 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 118-23 Lecture notes, November 29, 2011 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 92-93 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 205. Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 297. Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 83-84 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 166-68 Waldstreicher, Perpetual Fetes, 232-34 Bouton, Taming Democracy, 250.

Early Jewish Migration to Maryland Essay -- Judaism

The Early Waves of Jewish Migration to MarylandIntroductionThe state of Maryland is current home to everyplace 235,000 self-identified Jewishresidents, making up over 4% of the total state population (JDB, 159). Today, JewishMarylanders live in an open, welcoming environment, but this was not eer the case.When the first Jewish settlers landed in St. Marys City, political equality was only ahope for the distant future. The first wave of Jewish migration to Maryland was markedby a trend of percolation rather then influx migration. Jews in the area practiced a quiet ceremony rather then an open profession of faith. After the Revolutionary War,urbanization increased and wave two of Jewish migration began. But it wasnt until1826, the year the Jew shoot down was passed, and the begging of Wave 3 that Jews inMaryland could truly experience political equality.Migration Wave OneThe first record of Jewish settlement in colonial Maryland appears as early as the1630s. The individual who is cr edited as being the first Jewish colonist, a Portugueseitinerant salesman named Mathias de Souse, is record to have moved to the area in1633 (Schwartz-Kenvin, 130). De Souses arrival to the region marks the beginning ofthe first wave of Jewish migration. This wave begins in 1633 and ends a decade beforethe revolutionary war, in 1765. When comparing Jewish migration in the Chesapeakeregion to migration patterns in surrounding areas, the lack of movement to the area better(p)defines this period. Large Jewish communities were forming in New York, Newport,Savannah, and Charleston, yet Maryland remained relatively free of Jewish settlement.On a local scale, Schaefersville and Lancaster, both prominent Jewish communi... ...y Jewish Life, University ofConnecticut. 9 Feb. 2008 .*Cited in text as JDB*3. Maryland. Archives of Maryland Online. Bacons Law of Maryland.*Cited in text as AMO*4. Rabinove, Samuel. How -- and Why -- American Jews Have Contended for unearthlyFreedom the Requirement s and Limits of Civility. Journal of Law and Religion 8(1990) 131-151. 1 Mar. 20085. Sarna, Jonathan D. The Impact of the American Revolution on American Jews.Modern Judaism (1981) 149-160. 9 Feb. 2008. Oxford University Press6. Schwartz-Kenvin, Helene. This work of Liberty. New York Behrman House, 1986.112- 1377. Stern, Horace. The First Jewish Settlers in America Their Struggle for ReligiousFreedom. The Jewish Quarterly Review (1996) 289-296. 2 Mar. 2008. Center forAdvanced Judaic Studies, University of pascal

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Problems Of Modernization In Developing Nations Essays -- essays resea

Problems of Modernization in Developing NationsThe economic situation which exists in the developing world today, is theresult of the descent between the modern, and developing nations of theworld. Modernized nations benefited from this relationship because it gave themaccess to natural resources. However, because of this relationship, manydeveloping nations now suffer from severe problems. These nations argonattempting to change the situation in which they struggle.A political cartoon I have recently seen illustrated the economic relationshipbetween the industrialized world and the developing world. It shows that theindustrial nations, The United States and Europe, are located in the northernhemisphere. On the other hand most of the developing world, Central and SouthAmerica and Africa, are found in the southern hemisphere. The "well fed", welldressed individual holding the industrialized world indicates that themodernized nations of the world are prosperous, and have a h igh beat of funding. The skinny, poorly dressed individual holding the developing worldindicates that the developing nations of the world are not prosperous, and havea lower standard of living than do industrialized nations. Both individuals aresupporting each other in such a way that if one is removed, the other will fall.Without resources to use, sedulousness would not be able to maintain its existence.Likewise, without a market for their resources, or the products of indus...

Problems Of Modernization In Developing Nations Essays -- essays resea

Problems of Modernization in Developing NationsThe economic part which exists in the developing world today, is the essence of the relationship between the modern, and developing nations of theworld. Modernized nations benefited from this relationship because it gave themaccess to natural resources. However, because of this relationship, manydeveloping nations now suffer from severe problems. These nations areattempting to change the situation in which they struggle.A political cartoon I have recently seen illustrated the economic relationshipbetween the industrialized world and the developing world. It shows that theindustrial nations, The linked States and Europe, are located in the northernhemisphere. On the other hand most of the developing world, Central and SouthAmerica and Africa, are found in the southern hemisphere. The "well fed", welldressed individual holding the industrialized world indicates that themodernized nations of the world are prosperous, and have a high up measuring ofliving. The skinny, poorly dressed individual holding the developing worldindicates that the developing nations of the world are not prosperous, and havea lower standard of living than do industrialized nations. Both individuals aresupporting each other in such a way that if one is removed, the other result fall.Without resources to use, industry would not be able to maintain its existence.Likewise, without a market for their resources, or the products of indus...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Cinematic techniques in Tim Burton’s Films Essay

Tim Burton uses many cinematic techniques in his movies such as inflaming and camera angles throughout his movies in distinguish to create effects and moods. He uses these two cinematic techniques numerous of times in the films Edward Scissorhands and in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He uses them very efficiently to portray contrasting ideas such as showing strengths, weakness, or size in character or setting, or revealing a depressing or cheerful surrounding. Tim Burton is a successful film maker and has inspired many to get into the movie making business due to his cinematic techniques. In many of Burtons films, Burton uses lighting to show happiness or sadness. In Edward Scissorhands, pegs town is bright and full of color. Which makes it seems like the town is happy and full of joy, but the township are cruel and mean to one another.Edwardss mansion is low key and dark, which makes it seems like Edward is the bad guy, but Edward is a kind, nice guy who loves to service o f process everyone even though he has a disability. Burton also uses the same low key lighting in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. When Charlie goes home at the beginning of the movie, Burton uses advanced angle to show Charlies house all dark, making it look small and haunted. The lighting would want you to think that the family that lives in that house is mean or sad all the time, but Charlie lives with his mom and dad and his grandparents on his mom and dads side. And they are all nice, kind, and respectful to one another.You see, this is Burtons gothic style. Burton is mostly known for his dark, gothic, macabre, and quirky horror and fantasy films. So this cinematic technique has great importance for these films because he used it to make his idea or his opinion become clearer for the audience to understand the lesson from the movie. Burtons lighting basically impacts the audiences mood towards the movie or film. Burton wants to see the films in his eyes. camera angles were very important in the films Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Overall Banking of Bank Asia Limited

pic PART A INTRODUCTION OF THE REPORT pic pic1 Introduction pic 1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY pic border is a financial institution whose main aim is to earn profit through with(predicate) exchange of m sensationy and credit official documents. A savings banking social club must per material body twain of the essential function accepting of deposits and lending or investing the same. If the purpose of acceptance of deposits is non to lend or invest, the business will not be called banking business. It may be said that banking in its most simple forge, is as old as authentic history. As early as 2000 B. C. Bany Lonians has developed a system of banks.In ancient Greece and Rome the practice of granting credit was widely prevalent. According to some authorities the word coast is derived from the speech communication banco, bancus, banque or bance. All of these words mean a bench upon which the mediaeval European bankers personad to sit with their coins to transact banking busin ess. When a banker failed to meet his obligations, the angry people used to break up his banco. The reckon for origin of the word bevelrupt which means bank failure but whatever be the origin of the bank, the word came to be used in Europe from the middle age in connection with the business of bank.Money also links the history of banking. It created a logical necessity of banks. However, the birth of present daylight banking is not sudden. It has come to its present stage through a process of development. During the last decade, banking became the most competitive industries of Bangladesh with a huge amount of reaping. A intumescent number of new banks develop made their way in the industry and yet thither are more to come. In such a passing competitive portion industry, customer atonement is a truly all important(predicate) factor to consider. High customer atisfaction and loyalty give an organization a relegate base than its competitors and allows it to flourish in t he industry. 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY pic frequent Objective The normal objective of preparing this report is to fulfill the requirement of project work as well as completion the BBA Program through gaining the last and view the application of theoretical knowledge in the real life. Also find let on the Operational Process of the swan and its overall Performance. Project Objective The objectives of this report are the followings Get introduced with the idea of Customer help Quality in pious platitude Asia Ltd. ? Introduce with the bank swear out quality assessment tools ? Techniques to win a strong customer base ? To know the expectations of customers of wedge Asia Ltd. ? To analyze dissimilar activities of distinguishable desk. ? To analyze contrasting rules and regulations of the Banking System. ? To analyze the procedures of making contribute. ? To analyze how to provide better customer run. ? To analyze how bankers introduce their product to the clients and cus tomers. To know how people cash in ones chips with clients, customers and head office ab divulge different purposes and how they use information system. ? To Know the position of Bank Asia Ltd in the Market ? To know the studys and conditions of overall performance ? To make some recommendations and conclusion to further the development of Retail products of Bank Asia Ltd. 1. 3 Methodology of the study pic To make the report more meaty and presentable, two sources of data and information were used widely. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to prepare this report.The nature of this report is descriptive with some critique or using sampling method. meanly of the necessary information has been collected by a questionnaire, officers working in Retail Banking. 1. 4 DATA show pic Both the primary and secondary forms of data are used to make the report more rich and informative. The details of these sources are gives below Primary Sources Most of the information was a cquired by discussing with the officers working in the Patherhat dissever of Bank Asia Ltd. Observation and work experience with different divisional in-charges and suggestions of many executives of the bank.Secondary Sources Annual Report of the Bank Asia Limited. Various books, articles, compilations etc. Websites of the Bank. Instruction circular of Head obligation, brochures of different banks, newspapers and magazines regarding banking issues, seminar papers and so on. 1. 5 LIMITATIONS pic The report was not free from limitations. The study has been conducted on the humble of Activities in Bank Asia Limited. The Officers of Bank Asia have provided all the necessary information with his best abilities. Key limitations of the study are as follows The internship is a real short achievement of time. During this short period it is very difficult to study about Bank Asia worthyly. ? The data and information collected from Bank Asia was not clearly related with the topic. ? The study was not triple-crownly completed collect lack of knowledge of banking profession. ? Some data and information was not provided by Bank Asia due to maintain secrecy. ? The data that are collected contained lots of information so it is very difficult to represent all information concisely. ? Bank is a very busy organization with comparison to early(a)s. in that respect are rushes of people for about whole the day and the officers have to transact with them. So it is very much tough for deferred compensation Officers to allocate time for me. pic PART B COMPANY PROFILE pic pic2 COMPANY PROFILE pic 2. 1 ABOUT BANK ASIA pic Bank Asia is one of the renowned and successful banks in Bangladesh established in 1999. The paid up capital of the Bank is 1116 million. With in very short time Bank Asia has established itself as one of the fast growing local private Bank. Now it has 66 carve upes in its network. It has own ambiance service.It provides ATM service through other ban ks too. Mr. A. Rouf Chowdhury is the Chairman of Bank Asia. Bank Asia is operated by the experienced, qualified, professional management team ups whom have exposure in the international market. In the year 2003 the Bank again came to the limelight with over subscription of the sign Public Offering of the shares of the Bank, which was a record (55 times) in our capital markets history and its shares commands respectable premium. Bank Asia is maintaining its competitiveness by leverage on its Online Banking Software and modern IT infrastructure.It the pioneer amongst the local Banks in introducing innovative products like SMS Banking and under the ATM Network the Stelar Online Banking Software enables directs linking of a clients paper, without the requirements for a separate account. Bank Asia has long experience in the financial sector of our country. By their programmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, the Bank has earn a secured and distincti ve position in the banking industry in term of performance, growth and excellent management. 2. 2 CORPORATE INFORMATIONpic ? Letter of intent received 24/02/1999 First meeting of the Promoters held 15/04/1999 ? Certificate of incorporation received 28/09/1999 ? Certificate of commencement of Business 28/09/1999 ? First meeting of the board of Directors held 01/10/1999 ? Banking license received 06/10/1999 ? First branch license received 31/10/1999 ? Inauguration of Bank 27/11/1999 ? Date of return of Prospectus 29/06/2003 ? Date of IPO Subscription 23/09/2003, 24/09/2003 ? Date of first share trading in Bourse 08/01/2004 ? Date of agreement with CDBL 20/12/2005 ? Date of first scrip less trading 30/01/2006 Numbers of Promoters 22 ? Numbers of Directors 11 ? Numbers of Branches 66 ? Auditors S. F. Ahmed &CO. Chartered Accountants fellowship 25, Road 13A, Block- D, Banani, Dhaka- 1213. ? Registered Office Tea Board Building (1st floor) 111-113, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 100 0, Bangladesh. 2. 3 MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY OF BANK ASIA LIMITED pic 2. 4 MISSION STATEMENT OF BANK ASIA pic To avail in bringing high quality service to our customers and to participate in the growth and expansion of our national economy.To set high standards of integrity and bring amount satisfaction to our clients, shareh seniors and employees. To become the most sought after bank in the country, rendering technology driven innovative services by our dedicated team of professionals. 2. 5 VISION OF BANK ASIA pic Bank Asias vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new millennium, reflecting the national dream. Our vision is to build a society where human dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty. 2. 6 inscription & CULTURE OF BANK ASIA LTD. pic 2. 6. 1 Social Commitment Though the purpose of Bank Asia is obviously earning profit, but the promoters and equity holders are aware of their commitment t o the society to which they belong. 2. 6. 2 Corporate Mission To provide high quality financial services in export and import trade. To provide excellent quality customer service. To maintain corporate and business ethics. To become a trusted responsibility of customers money and their financial advisor. To make their stock superior and recognise to the customers/ share holders. To display team sprit and professionalism. To have a sound capital base. 2. 6. 3 Corporate Culture Bank Asia is one of the most disciplined banks with a distinctive corporate culture. Here we believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making. Our people can see and understand up to nowts, activities, objectives, objects and billet in a distinctive way. They mould their manners and etiquette, character individually to suite the purpose of the bank and the bespeaks of the customers who are of paramount to us. The people in the bank see themselves as a tight knit team/ family tha t believe in working together for growth.The corporate culture we belong has not been imposed it has rather been achieved through our corporate culture conduct. pic3 TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION pic 3. 1 DELIVERY CHANNEL pic Focusing of the need for change magnitude customers service delivery point Bank Asia has been continuously adding new items. Their delivery channels now include 32 branches one booth, ATMs, internet banking, POS machine of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. and mobile banking. 3. 2 BRANCH NETWORK pic Bank Asia intends to achieve to attain residuumd growth and expansion of its branch network.Aiming to extend their service and to ontogenesis their r distributively rapidly to their growing and valuable clients. Bank Asia always looking for opportunities for adding more branches to their growing network. 3. 3 ATM pic Bank Asias ATM Service has been well embraced by the clients since it provides them most flexibility in handling cash money and ensures uninterrupted banking facil ities round the clock. In the face of growing film they pose for addition of new ATMs and set up 10 additional machines during the year 2007.Now they have ATMs of their own also they have under share arrangements 93 ATM E-cash booths and 226 ATMs of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 3. 4 INTERNET BANKING pic Internet banking facilities change their business process, since many customers fell comfortable to execute transaction through internet. The transaction through internet has grown very fast in the recent year. Their internet banking further improved in 2007 and their customer can change their profile, fracture payment of issued assays, see the status of cheques, request a cheque book etc. n addition to existing facilities like fund transfer, balance and transaction inquiry etc. 3. 5 CREDIT CARD FACILITIES pic Bank Asia now provides credit card to its customers and clients. Through this card a client can draw money from any bank. pic PART C GENERAL BANKING(AN OVERVIEW) pic4 GENERAL B ANKING (AN OVERVIEW) pic 4. 1 Banking Service of Bank Asia Ltd. pic Banking Services General Banking trust/Advance Foreign Exchange CashCash source (HYPO)Import AccountsCash Credit (PLEDGE)Export RemittanceCash Credit SchemeRemittance Clearing House Lease FinancingCustomer Service speech Overdraft 4. 2 client SERVICEpic Accepting deposit There are three kinds of deposits in Bank Asia those are as follows a) Demand deposition. b) Time gear up. c) Scheme Deposit. a) Demand Deposit The deposit from which depositors can withdraw money without any notice is demand deposit. These demand deposit also three categories those are as follows 1) Current deposit (CD Account). 2) Saving Deposit (Saving Account). 3) gip Term Deposit (STD Account). b) Time Deposit This deposit is called FDR (Fixed Deposit Regular).The amount in this account is payable that after time stipulated. There are three types of time deposits those are as follows FDR One Month 10% Three Month 12. 5% Six Month 12. 5% One Year 12. 5% BASP 14% C) Scheme Deposits With the growth of the middle classes and classes of people having a monthly and regular source of income, from which people deposit a specific amount in the Bank at a regular interval of time, is called Scheme Deposit. The following accounts are under Scheme Deposit A/C 1. Deposit pension Scheme (DPS),2. Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS), 3.Monthly Income Scheme (MIS), 4. Super Saving Scheme (SSS),5. Multi plus Saving Scheme (MPSS). 4. 2. 1 gradeS OPENING PROCEDURE pic To open a new account an applicant has to maintain number of formalities. Banks officer also is careful whether necessary documents are provided by the new account opener. To open a new account following formalities have to be maintained ? An introducer who introduces new account holder to the bank. ? Two copies of passport size recent charge attested by the introducer. ? Account opening form duly filled. ? Signature card duly subscribe. One copy of photograph of nomin ee. ? After fulfilling the above formalities, Bank provides to the customer a deposit slip book and a cheque book which is marked by his new account number. ? If it is joint account each and every person has to provide their details and signed into the account opening form. ? Letter of thanks to the account holder and introducer For alliance firm If it is a Partnership firm there is some additional formalities have to be maintained, those are as follows ? Partners signature ? Partners come to and embrace. ? The nature of the firms business Two copies of photograph for each and every accomplice, duly attest by the introducer. ? Account must be introduced properly. ? Introducers signature on account opening form has to verify by an officer under full signature. ? Certified true copy of the memorandum of the firm. ? Registered partner ship deed. ? In case of joint account, operational instructions are to be signed by the joint account holders. For proprietorship business ? solvent of proprietorship ? Photocopy of Business trade license. ? Account agreement form. ? Photocopy of erect certificate. For Limited Company Certified true copy of Memorandum & Articles of connector of the company. ? Latest audited balance sheet of the company. ? Latest copy of companys income statement. ? Certificate copy of incorporation of the company for inspection and returned with a duly sure photocopy for banks record. ? Certificate from the registered of the joint stock companies that the company is entitled to commence business (in case of public limited co. for inspection and return) along with a duly certified photocopy for banks record. ? Name and address of the board of directors. ? Authorized signature. Extra resolution of the board, normal meeting of the company for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the Chairman/ Managing Directors of the company. ? Full make out of the company and full address of head office. General condition for opening current and saving account ? At least Tk. 2,000/- for current account and Tk. 1,000/- for saving account has to deposit while account is expiry to open. 4. 2. 2 ISSUE OF DUPLICATE CHEQUE BOOK pic When an account holder loss his cheque book he has to inform it to the bank. Then bank stop any amount from that account.Account holder has to have to the bank through application to new cheque book. Then fresh cheque book is issued instead of muddled one after verification of the signature of the account holder from the specimen signature card and on realization of required exercise duly only with prior approval of manager of the branch. Cheque of the new cheque book is recorded in the ledger card and signature card ass usual. serial number of lost book is recorded in the stop payment register and caution should be exercised to guard against fraudulent payment. 4. 2. 3 CLOSING OF AN reputation picThere are some reasons for which account may be closed those are as follows ? If the customer is desirous to close the account. ? If the bank finds that the account is inoperative for a long duration. ? If garnishee order is issued by the court of Bank Asia. ? To prevent money laundering some times Bangladesh Bank order to the bank to close the account of the black money holder. To close the account, the cheque has to be returned to the bank. Bank Asia takes all the charges by debiting the account and remaining balance is then paid to the customer. indispensable entries are given to the account closing register and computer. . 2. 4 ISSUING OF PAY ORDER pic A pay order is an instrument from one branch to another branch of the same bank to pay a plastered sum of money to the person there on or to his order. Unlike the cheque, there is no possibility of dishonoring pay order because before issuing PO, bank takes the money of the pay order in advance. The pay order purchaser has to apply in a prescribed form with a credit voucher for the amount of pay order a nd other credit vouchers for commission and VAT. 4. 2. 5 telegraphic TRANSFERS (TT) pic TT is the quickest method of transferring funds from one place to another.The remitting branch unhorses a telegraphic/ telephone message to the other end, to pay a certain sum of money to a named payee. Such a message is usually sent in code language. Prefixing or suffixing a check cipher authenticates the message. A check cipher for a remittance is worked out on a test key table, access to which is allowed only by authorized officers. The codebook is always unbroken in the custody of authorized officers. All T. T. are following by written confirmations under the signature of authorized officer of the remitting branch. The receiving branch, after thoroughly checking the telegraphic message, acts on it. . 2. 6 ISSUING CERTIFICATE pic Bank Asia provides different certificates to its clients and customers. It provides Bank Certificate to its clients for opening BO account and deduct Tk. 200/- as s ervice charge. Bank Asia provides solvency certificate too to prove that their client is financially solvent. This solvency certificate is needed if client is willing to go to abroad or opening new business. 4. 3 ACCOUNTS DEPERTMENT pic Following things are done by the Accounts Department ? Pass outward instrument to the clearing house. ? Pass inward instrument to respective department. Return instrument in case of dishonor. ? Prepare OBC and IBC for the respective branch and head office. ? Verify dailys cash disbursals and issuing cash voucher sleep for different necessary daily expenses. ? Issuing credit voucher for remittance coming from abroad. ? Receiving clearing cheque from teller department and bank wise separate the cheques and send those to the clearing house. ? Recording of return cheque from different banks and back to return it to the clients. ? Prepare OBC request letter to head office for collecting fund out side of the city. The following entries are given if the ch eque is honored.Customer A/C Debit Bank Asia general A/CCredit Bank Asia Principle Branch clears its cheque through the head office as well as the cheque of other branches, because it is only permitted. The other branches send the instrument through IBCA. Bank Asia rule branch act as an agent in this case. For this the business enterprise branch gives the following entries Bank general A/C Debit Customers A/C Credit If the instrument is dishonored, the instrument is returned to the concerned branch through IBCA along with the following entries incase of return for inward instrument. Bank general A/CDebit Customers A/CCreditIncase of return for outward instrument Customer A/C Debit Bank general A/CCredit Incase of returning an instrument the respective officer usually looks for following reasons ? Insufficient fund ? Drawers signature differs. ? Amount in word and encounter differ ? Refer to drawer ? Stop payment ? Not arrange for ? Effect not cleared may be presented again. Rece iving cheque for collection In Bank Asia, cheques of its customers are received for collection from other banks. In case of receiving cheque, following points should be checked. ? The cheque should not carry a date older than the receiving date for more than 6 months.In that case it will be a stale cheque and it will nit be allowed for collection. Again the date of the cheque should not be more than one day forward than the receiving date. ? The amount in recruits and words in both sides of the pay-in-slip should be same with the amount mentioned in the figure and word in the cheque. ? The name mentioned in the cheque should be same in both side in pay-in-slip and it should be the same with the name mentioned in the cheque. ? The cheque must be crossed. 4. 4 CREDIT DEPERTMENT pic Consumer Credit is a part of Credit Department which involves in generating loan to the client.Bank Asia Station Road Branch provides four categories of loans those are as follows 1. Consumer Durable imp art. 2. Auto Loan. 3. House Finance. 4. Unsecured Personal Loans. 4. 4. 1 HOUSE FINANCE pic Regulations for House Finance Loan ? House Finance Loan is provided for the long period of time (Maximum 15 years including 1 year grace period). ? Loan to expense ratio The loan to price ratio is 80%. It means bank pay 80% amount of required amount. Bank provide loan for the construction which is already completed up to ground floor. ? Rate of interest of house finance loan of Bank Asia is 16%. ? Loan size Loan Size is Tk. 3, 00,000. 0 to Tk. 50, 00,000. 00. ? Maximum picture (Bank Equity) 20%. ? ripen of the applicant must be mingled with 25-65 Years. ? DBR DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 40%. ? Processing Fee 0. 5% or 5000/- whichever is higher. 4. 4. 2 CLOSING OF AN ACCOUNT pic Regulation for Auto Loan ? Auto Loan is provided for purchasing new vehicle. ? Loan to price ratio If it is recondition car bank will finance 80% of the total price and if it is new vehicle bank will finance 90% of t he total price. ? Rate of interest of Auto Loan is 16%. ? Loan size Loan Size is maximum Tk. 20, 00, 000. 00. ? Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 20%. ? DBR DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 40%. Tenor Auto Loan provided for 60 months (for recondition vehicle), and for 72 months (new vehicle). ? Processing Fee 1% or 5000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-65 Years. An application is provided to BRTA as if the vehicle is registered at the name of Bank Asia & the applicant. 4. 4. 3 CONSUME DUALE LONE pic Consumer Durable Loan provided to business man as financial assistant. There are some rules and regulations for consumer durable loan those are as follows ? Loan size Loan Size is Tk. 50, 000. 00 to Tk. 5, 00,000. 00. ? Rate of interest of Consumer Durable Loan is 17%. Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 40%. ? DBR DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 33%. ? Tenor Auto Loan provided for minimum 6 months or maximum 48 months. ? Processing Fee 1% or 1000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-57 Years. ? Loan to price ratio 70%. 4. 4. 4 UNSECURED PERSONAL LONE pic Unsecured Personal Loans for service holders, business man will not apply for this type of loan. There are some rules and regulations for Unsecured Personal Loans those are as follows ? Loan size Loan Size is Tk. 25, 000. 00 to Tk. 5, 00,000. 00. ? Rate of interest of Consumer Durable Loan is 17%. Maximum Exposure (Bank Equity) 20%. ? DBR DBR (Debt Ratio) have to 33%. ? Tenor Auto Loan provided for minimum 12 months or maximum 48 months. ? Processing Fee 1% or 1000/- whichever is higher. ? Age of the applicant must be between 25-57 Years. ? Loan to price ratio Not applicable. 4. 4. 5 NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR A LOAN PROSESSING pic ? Latest license copy provided by the city corporation (Trade License). ? TIN Certificate. ? Nationality certificate/ Passport. ? Income statement (Last 6 months). ? Statement of purpose of loan. ? Reference. ? Guarantors information and his/her photogr aph. Utility bill (telephone bill, electric bill etc). ? Necessary information of existing assets and liability. ? Bank transaction last six months. ? Sources of funds from which borrower can repay the loan. ? Received security advance cheque against loan amount which is properly signed by the borrower. ? Joint necessary stump with the loan application book. Stamp charge may receive on cash or adjust from the account of the applicant. 4. 4. 6 GENERAL POLICY GUIDELINE pic ? Bank Asia make loan to the reputed clients. ? Encourage lending to socially desirable, nationally important and financially variable sector. copasetic security and collateral is required including source of repayment both primary and secondary source. ? Bank Asia may consider terms loan with maturity up to five years. ? Bank Asia extent credit facilities to the area, which the branch located and size and ability of its stuff to supervise and monitor the same also considered. ? Maximum size of the loan port folio. ? The banking corporation act 1991 restricts lending to any single obligor or a group of companies up to 15% of the capital funds of bank without having approval of Bangladesh Bank.With the Bangladesh Bank the maximum limit can go up to 100% of the capital of the bank. 4. 4. 6 CIB REPORT pic Bangladesh Bank established Credit instruction Bureau (CIB) with a view to provide information of the borrower to the schedule banks as per requirement. It is one of our credit policies that the bank wilts not sanction/ disburses any loan preparedness to a defaulter. Therefore to process a loan CIB report is mandatory one. So by CIB inquiry we can get the report on our clients from Bangladesh Bank. As per credit policy a Loan outstanding of Tk 50,000. 0 and above must be reported to Bangladesh bank Inputs the information of all the borrower status in CIB report whether he is defaulter or not. So the purpose of CIB is to get the borrower(s) credit information with a view to sanction a loan. Th is is very important because without having CIB a loan cannot be sanctioned. It is also a tool for discourage loan defaulter in our country. CIB functions can be divided into two classes CIB Inquiry. CIB Reporting. CIB motion The following forms are required for CIB Inquiry 01. Letter of Undertaking (Annexure Ka) to be obtained from the individual client. 02. Inquiry Form CIB 1AIt covers the information of the debtors / individual borrower or company. Name ET address is mentioned here. It is to be filled up by the bank in Capital letter/ type. 03. Inquiry Form CIB 2A For institutional client this is necessary. It covers the information of the owners of the concerned get company/firm. In case of individual client this form is not necessary. 04. Inquiry Form CIB 3A This form covers the information of group related business concern of the borrower and any of its owners. Special Note The name of the borrower / owners should be mentioned in full and must not be abbreviated.CIB REPO RTING The followings forms are required to report to Bangladesh Bank at monthly or quarterly basis. In case of loan limit one crore ET above it is need to be reported monthly and the consummate loan amounting Tk. 50,000/- above are required to report quarterly. Form CIB-1This from is related to borrower information only. Proper sector code and other information should be incorporated properly. Form CIB 2 This form is related to the owner(s) information of the borrowing company. Owners code and other information should be incorporate properly. Form CIB 3This form is related to group / affiliated concern(s) information of the borrower and or any of its owners. Form CIB 4 This form represents the credit exposure of the borrower with the reporting bank. Dotted boxes are need not required to be reported. Economic purpose code, security code, Classification status and other information should be incorporated property. Form CIB 5 This form is related to the guarantor(s) information of the borrower. All the form should be filled in full name with proper address, Abbreviated name are not acceptable. The adjoin of CIB in our country is very positive. CIB discourage loan defaulters.A loan defaulter cannot participate in any election as a candidate. It is also a way to harass the defaulter socially. At the initial stage of CIB about 1990 total classified Loan was detected 41 %. By introducing CIB the percentage of classified loan could be minimized. So indirectly it helps our economy. It also helps the schedule bank by way of providing information as per requirement. pic PART D consummation EVALUTION BANK ASIA (PATHERHAT BR. ) pic5 PERFORMANCE EVALUTION BANK ASIA (PATHERHAT BR. ) pic 5. 1 DEPOSIT pic Bank Asia, Patherhat Branch launched it operation on 13th April,2012.AD The deposit volume of Bank Asia Ltd, Patherhat Branch, Chittagong is continuously increasing. The deposit amount is 19 crore at April,2012. Through the following table the deposit position of Bank Asia Ltd Branch is shown. demo monthly Deposit of Bank Asia Ltd. Patherhat Branch from the month of December,2011 to April,2012. Deposit (Amount in Crore) Month December January February surround April Deposit 167446961 174431349 178152397 173798455 190064299 5. 2 ADVANCE picThe credit volume of Bank Asia Ltd, Patherhat Branch is increasing day by day. Showing monthly Deposit of Bank Asia Ltd. Patherhat Branch from the month of December,2011 to April,2012. Loans and Advance Month December January February March April Loans and Advance 12442268 9877521 10921573 15813095 19803015 5. 3 TOTAL INCOME pic The total income of Bank Asia is increasing day by day. Net loss of the branch is decreasing day by day by its acclerated efforts to go the horizon of Profit. Month December January February March April contribute Inocme 1585091 1760171 1595499 1777016 1957001 5. 4 TOTAL EXPANSE pic With expansion of opeation of the branch, the total expense of the branch is incrasing day by day . Month December January February March April Total expense 3236019 2337849 9169238 2372934 2407706 Position for the month of March, 2012- Particulars Monthly Position of February 2012 Monthly Position of March 2012 Cumulative up to March, 2012 Total Deposit 178,152,397. 55 173,798,455. 59 173,798,455. 59 Total Advances 10,921,573. 95 15,813,095. 60 15,813,095. 60 Interest Income 1,571,766. 70 1,745,422. 9 5,052,804. 32 Other Income 23,732. 57 31,593. 58 79,882. 32 Total Income 1,595,499. 27 1,777,016. 70 5,132,686. 35 Interest Expenses 1,393,856. 72 1,488,478. 72 4,387,861. 15 Other Expenses 775,381. 63 884,456. 00 2,492,141. 53 Total Expenses 2,169,238. 35 2,372,934. 4 6,880,002. 68 Net Provisional Profit/ evil (573,739. 080 (595,918. 77) (1,747,316. 33) Foreign Inward Remittance 2,415,193. 08 1,984,934. 01 6,289,562. 22 of Bank Asia, Patherhat Branch is given below pic PART E JOB PART pic6 JOB PART pic 6. 1 JOB DESCRIPTION pic In order to achieve best service qual ity Bank Asia has separate department called CUSTOMEN SERVICE DEPARTMENT, which is responsible of maintaining over all services of the bank to settle with customers.To establish world class lymph gland experience in all its operations it mainly focusing on people, infrastructure, technology, products and process. In order to ensure such experience Bank Asia always looks for enthusiastic people as employee and interns as well. I was doing the Internship under customer service depertment from January 25March, 2010 to May 25, 2012 in Patherhat branch. 6. 2 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES pic ? Ensuring first hand services to the client. ? Keep observing the service activities during the service hour. ? Guiding lost clients to have proper services. ? Having clients suggestion and complains and reporting to BM. Ensuring clients solutions and quality services. ENSURING FIRST HAND SERVICES TO THE GUEST pic Bank is a financial institution so it is very tuff for a thickening to know each service poi nt. They sometimes come up with such problems for which they need not to talk to customer service manager or Branch manager. Like how to write a deposit slip or how to use ATM card in booth etc. in that concomitant my primary duty was to greet them so that they rely upon me to have on the spot service. On the other hand my primary duties are understanding guests problem and guide him or her to talk with the right person on the right desk.KEEP OBSERVING THE SERVICE ACTIVITIES DURING THE SERVICE HOURS pic During the service hour, many peculiar offices may arise. So my another duty was to keep looking into those situations and make instant solutions like keep looking whether staff behaving the way they should behave or not. To look after whether any staff is ignoring any customers or not, was my another job duty. GUIDING LOST GUESTS TO HAVE PROPER SERVICES pic It is usual situation that different professions people come to bank every day. Some profession people come to bank for the first time and doesnt know verall service arrangement of the bank. They enter into the branch and starts wondering around within the bank. They get completely lost. So, my responsibility was to listen and guide them in a proper way. HAVING CUSTOMER SUGGESTION AND COMPLAINTS pic Since each branch is a touch point for the bank so its the better option for SQ department to have better guest experience. Another duty is to collect such suggestions and complain from guests and reporting to the Branch Manager. ENSURING CUSTOMER SOLUTION AND QUALITY SERVICES pic A guest should have a complete solution of a problem from branch.If it is not possible for customer service officer then take him/her to customer service manager even if it is not possible for the CSM then take him/her to BM. In the meanwhile I have to ensure the quality service to the guest. 6. 3 DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF JOB pic There are five essential areas to excellence in guest experience. Bank Asia Client experience standard will apply it the five aspects for excellence in guest experience listed below 1) People 2) Premises 3) Papers 4) Processes and 5) Practices People The team who serves the clients. Premises The location or place where we serve the clients. Papers The documents we use to provide and receive information and to communicate with our clients and colleagues. Process the process that enable us to delight our clients. Practices the way we interact and talk with our clients. For keep concentrating on service issues, Bank Asia has prepared client experience fundamentals for its entire team member. Bank Asias client standards are o BOLD All team members are will be bold and on behalf of their clients and colleagues. They will be first to greet, first to listen and first to make any suggestions.They are the persons who satisfy the demands of the clients even if they are unexpressed o RELIABLE The team member will take full ownership in serving their clients to their complete satisfaction o APPE ALING The team members have to ensure that all clients touch points are appealing and inviting o CONSISTENT The team members will ensure that their clients experience quality is consistent in all aspects across all clients service point all the time. Apart from the above mentioned jobs, I was appointed for following kit and boodle as well. Software called Stelar where I have to do CIF (Customer Information Form). A/C verify & close FDR, DPS opening Cheque book, ATM card issue, Active. My major job purpose & principle accountabilities in the banks are as follows Ensure account opening, modification, closing, and ATM card & Cheque book requisition and remittance activities. go through client service strategies to achieve Bank Asia objective and plans Ensure quick resoling of client quires and issues Efficiently handle customer complains Properly maintain FDR, ATM, Account and other registers Receiving checks, issue cheque book, Fund transfer Verifying check book register, Customer Signature verification Writing pay order, Statement inquire Checking balance as per individual customer request Providing all kinds of general banking information to the customers Issuing check books and posting them into the system. 7 RECOMMENDATION pic ? Since the branch is situated in a suitable place, so it should introduce ATM Booth of its own very soon. ? Clearing Department should be under online. ? Locker should be introduced. ? To ignore the working presure of the existing employees new capable employees should be employed. Since there are huge number of coverage loan, a recovery team should be introduced. ? Banks market policy should be more stronger to influence big corporate clients joint with them. ? Bank Asia can introduce about their product and service through different TV channels. So that every initiative of the bank can go at the door the customers. ? More training facilities should be introduced for the junior officers. 8 refinement pic Bank Asia Limited is one of the most renowed growing bank in the country. It is true that Bank Asia increase its growth and popularity with in very short period of time.It has ensured because they have efficient, capable, professional, talent work force. All the officers are very much comitted, helpful and cooperative so that necessary information accumulate through this report. I wish total success of Bank Asia Limited, Pather Hat Branch, and special thanks to Mr. Niaz Ahammed Rashed (FAVP & Manager), SantoshKumar Bhowmik (EO & Sub Manager), and all officers &employees of Patherhat Brahnch, Chittagong. 9 GLOSSARY pic IBC- Inward bills for collection. OBC- Out ward bills for collection. CIB- Credit Information.IRC- Import Registration Certificate. ERC- Export Registration Certificate. TIN- Tax Identification Number. BIN- Business Identification Number. L/C- Letter of Credit. FDR- Fixed Deposit Regular. SME- Small and Medium Enterprise. CCI&E- Chief Controller of Import and Export. LCA- Letter of Credit Authorization. B/L- Bill of Lading. B/E- Bill of Exchange. STD- Short Term Deposit A/C. SOD- Secured Over Draft. LBC- Local Bills for Collection. LTR- Loan Against Trust Receipt. FOB- Freight On Boat. DBR- Debt Burdeb Ratio. CPV- Contract Point Verification.SWIFT- Society for oecumenical Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication. ICC- International Chember of Commerce. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY pic Bank Asia Limited. Management Trainee Report. Bank Fund Management, Dr. A. R. Khan. Jeff Madura. International Financial Management. (West Publishing company, 4th edition, 1995). Rose, P. S. (1999). Measuring and Evaluating Bank Performance. Commercial Bank Management, Fourth Edition. Annual Report of Bank Asia Ltd. www. bankasia. com TITLE OF INTERNSHIP GENERAL BANKING PRACTICE OF BANK ASIA LIMITED Objective of the StudyThe major objective of the study is to appraise the general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. To achieve these major objectives, the specific objectives of the stu dy are mentioned below 1. To high light the authorities involved in general banking of Bank Asia Ltd. 2. To examine the Account opening system of Bank Asia Ltd. 3. To show the Product or Services of Bank Asia Ltd. 4. To evaluate the General Banking Function of Bank Asia Ltd. 5. To find out problems of general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. 6. To give suggestions for improving of general banking practice of Bank Asia Ltd. BANK ASIA CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR substitute MANAGING DIRECTOR (DMD) SENIOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (SEVP) EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP) SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (SVP) VICE PRESIDENT (VP) FIRST bench vise PRESIDENT (FVP) ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (AVP) FIRST ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (FAVP) SENIOR EXECUTIVE officer (SEO) EXECUTIVE OFFICER (EO) SENIOR OFFICER (SO) MANAGEMENT TRAINEE OFFICER (MTO) OFFICER JUNIOR OFFICER (JO) ASSISTANT OFFICER (AO) BANKING OFFICER (BO) TRAINEE OFFICER (TO)/TELLER pic pic pic pic pic

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Globus Report Essay

The objective of this Globus coarse-grained is to run a partnership in the real environment which is we leave alone compete with other companies. On this simulation I am becoming co-manager of a camera industry. All of the conjunction submit two products in the foodstuff which is Entry level camera and multi featured camera. And the market area is divided into 4 region which is 1.North America2. Europe-Africa 3. Asia Pacific 4. Latin America.One group have 3 members , and in my business simulation we got 8 different companies. Each comp any has to run the camera business all workweek , one week in real life is represent 1 stratum in the simulation for a consecutive 10 weeks. The ultimate goal for all the companies is to pretermit the market of the cameras industry, the best camera company in the industry is to get the target that give by the investor expectations, gaining the most market share and image military rank and maintaining a good credit rating.My AchievementsBy d oing the virtual business game with my group member , I had to be able to discerp the business each grade , what the strategies I have to do , and how to get high dividend and investor expectation. By doing this process I can fully understand what happening with this industries and how to improve this business.. These liberal of things allow me to understand concept in the industry and break off a strategy to win the competition within the industry. By experiencing this virtual business game I have learn about business management , starting from production cost , marketing , advertising , marketing , target market ,shipping cranch forces ,financial decision , and business plan .all of this elements will impact the business performance. On this game I also learn from the compotetion btween the company in this industries.Every single company have a different strategies to dominate the industry. All the strategies is depend on the current situation and target market.and the compe tition is on all the time because the compotitors I unendingly find the new strategies to defeat our we need to come up with new strategies.My New Transferable SkillsReflection 1 Context On the basic week of the Globus game we were trying to change the decision entry as what we did in the Globus practice using on our knoledege about business menegement Activating aim With lack of knowledge that we got on the first year result is under the investor expectation ,eventhough we tried so hard to do this decision entries. depression We failed to hope that with our lack of knowledge our first year results is unsatisfy ,.it is make our companies is behind other companies. Consequence Other companies performing well on the first year so our company is one step behind .Our results for EPS ,ROE and image rating is so much behind others companies.So it is hard for us to chase the other companies that performing beyond our companies as well as none of our group member really u nderstand about business. bitterness I have learn that when you make your company you need to understand everything about it from the market , business pla and etc. Because first year is the most crucial for your business to externalise the prospect of your business . so you need to learn before you do it.Reflection 2Context Our group have develop different strategies every year Activating construe We are trying to do the strategies to get more(prenominal) profit on that year and didnt planning for the coming tyears Belief We failed to belief that our strategies is failed because we didnt see the situation of the market and we didnt planning well for the coming years like warranty I s the most issues of our comapny Consequence Our result is dropped every because we have no analyse market and our bad planning for the future , so until the very end of the year we still have outstanding loans Dispute I learn that it is really important to research about he target market and the planning of future business.Reflection 3 Context We always change our p/q rating every year Activating put through we always change our p/q rating to be the same as the wind companies ,hoping that we can compete with them Belief We failed to believe we didnt choose our p/q rating since the first year , by changing the p/q rating every year it boost our market share and kick us out of the competition.because we dont choose the target market of our companies , which is always changed every year Consequence Our companies rank is dropping until it aalmost the last position , and we have no target market Dispute I have learn that I slant use other company strategies , but I have to find the new strategies that can beat them in theyre market.And I would make sure to develop my own strategies to take against other companies.My personal growth and lifelong learningReflection 1Context For some of the week our globus group couldnot focus on globus game Activating Experience The Globus team unsatisfy with the result that not stable , and we didnt do well on some of the year Belief I failed to believe that because 1 didnt stay focus to do the globus simulation game. Consequences Our company have a bad start and the result in the plaza year is falling down.we keep losing point every year until it reah the peak and our company made a loss.The biggest mistake was that we did not understand the game tout ensemble and this made us suffer for the beginning of the years. Dispute I would like to completely understand on how to run the company and be able to do full summary and research in the industry. And the most important thing to run the business is to keep focus to run the business to make a succesfull businessReflection 2Context In all of the group meeting, we as the co-managers, had agreed on the decision to take and do the Glo-bus together. Activating Experience During the very last minutes of before year 11 or 12 decision was due, one of the co-managers ch anged the decision and we were not informed about that. Belief I failed to believe that we all had agreed on all the decisions we had come in group meeting and nobody would change any decision without any consent from other co-managers. Consequences Our company was in the second last position due to the loss that we got. The co-manager decided to significantly lower the price to gain more market share, but in the end the decision was against us. Dispute I would never let my team member to do that anymore. Since then, I learned that I had to check all the decision entries just before it was due to make sure everything was okay and according to what we agreed in the group meeting. I learned that this kind of action could be fatal and as a result, it would be hard to manage the profits year after.Reflection 3Context by and by couple of weeks of hard time, we had to sit down together, share ideas and run the Globus game together to make sure we really understand Globus. Activating Experience We had to analyse the competition in our industry and think many possible strategies to counter our competitors. Belief I believed that as co-managers, we had to completely understand Globus and make sure that everyone in the team really understood what was happening since this was the best way to run the company. Consequences We managed to bounce back at the end. Our position kept increasing every year up to 5th position which was not that good for the progress of the company. In the end, with everyone sharing their opinions and ideas, we managed to go as one team to help the company that was already in a bad position due to bad performances from previous years. Dispute I learned that by getting together as a group and shared knowledge and analysed the industry together, we could manage to be the best actually.Reflection 4Context After our company had bounced back, we had to keep doing our strategy so that our company could get better. Activating Experience We had to do analysis every week carefully to see what the best opportunity and strategy to take. Belief We believed that by doing analysis every week, we could maintain our position. Consequences Our company was getting better every year onwards since year 12 and 13. This was because we had understood on how to play the game. We did analysis and research every week to find out what strategy we could implement. Dispute I learned that by completely understand the game, the game was actually interesting. presently I know how business works in real life. Everything was related with another and each decision was really important.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Spark’s Message in a Bottle Intro

This section will provide brief description on various significances of the study. To students. The proposed study will aide students approach emotional difficulties such as peer pressure while academically struggling. To teachers. The proposed study will help teachers to have deeper understanding with their students having trauma. With this, teachers will have stronger cornerstone as guidance of their apprentices. To future researcher. The proposed study will benefit and help the future researcher as this serve as their guide. This would be a attain with our economy continually struggling o move ahead.Scopes and Limitations The scope of this study is the breakthrough of an individual in traumatic events in life particularly with the issue of a love one. This provided steps gathered from unquestionable sources on how to deal with such situations. On the other hand, this study limits with psychological/emotional renewal. Methodology The manner used in this study was the descript ive one. It aims to describe and interpret what the topic is. The said method in research writing fitted this study as it involves the elements or interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is described.Also, the technique used by the group was content analysis which can be applied to examine each piece of writing or occurrence of recorded communication. Approach to Literary Criticism The process of descriptive research which goes beyond mere gathering accommodate as the group made moral, humanistic or affective approach defined closed to morality of literature and to questions of ethical goodness or badness presently affected by the also made in this study as breakdowns concerns personality, inner drives and neurosis. Procedure The researchers, with the procedure of making this study, analyzed first the novel they ar to use.They gathered useful resources primarily tackling the problem they are to focus on. The making of a thesis comes next together with the formulati on of questions they are to answer in this study. They made an outline from the data they have in hand and started taking notes. Lastly, the group has started the formulation of their paper. Instruments Used The researchers used instruments such as books and internet resources for the study. Articles from reliable magazines and academic papers were also considered by the group. The novel which became the basis of the study was entitled Message in a Bottle written by Nicholas Sparks.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Life Signs †Poem and Summary By Mahapatra Essay

LIFE SIGNSViolence the day dims. When I open and shut my mouth the darkness chokes inside. The misfortunate light pushes against a bullock-cart-drivers whip which rests in a corner of the corridor, safe from the black pressure of dragging ribs. a country total solar eclipse It was the drawn-out cry of day that left behind no echo, day that became meek as a frightened child. A banner of color human skin fluttered on top of the temple of Jagannath the vase a monsoon day fable The fable at the beginning of the monsoon choes alone, like a ships bell ringing in a temple far from home. in the fields of desolate rice captive air of chandipur on sea lost children of the States dead river life signs grandfather again one day walking by the river. Jayant Mahapatra Summary of invigoration Signs Life signs is the title poesy of the volume Life Signs.The father-son relationship has been explored quite extensively and intensively in Indian English poetry, by Ramanujan, Parthasarathy, Shiv. K. Kumar and others and Father poems have become even a sub-genre of Indian song in English. Life Signs captures the central preoccupation of Mahapatras poetry, the irrevocable influence of the Father (by extension, the hoary tradition of the land) and the anxiety of the son-persona (the modernist, rationalist, unbeliever poet, by extension) to be freed of it Structurally, the poem is a loosely connected set of evocative signs rather than a system and discourse and such a poem with shifting metaphors may gainsay neat interpretation yet it can have a great power to convey a highly complex experience and can espouse haunting beauty (G. N. Devy). The Cows can be read as a companion poem.11. 1- 2 Whats in my a blunt control of the son-personas in ability to occupy the beliefs of the father 11. 3-5 a sense of loss caused by separation between father and son described in terms of the flowing river the image of flow may also imply the passage of a major category in Mahapatras vision. 11. 10 an associative cluster of signs sun, kites and clouds evoking the sense of agedness of the traditions, which haunts him. 1. 15 the odour another image evoking the sense of decay 11. 19-20 come to rest typical Mahapatran obscurities which are the illustrations despair 11. 23- 24 a conflict between the traditional beliefs and the rationalist skepticism of those beliefs- 11. 23- 24 the sense of loss and a discovery of a strange wisdom.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Thirty-three

CRIES AND SCREAMS FROM THE audience told me my disguise was g single.Many eyes also went to Dimitri. Adrian had dropped that illusion as well as, once Id shed mine. And, as wed been expecting, the guardians who had been step by step taking up position around us surged forward, armed with handguns. I still thought that was cheating. Fortunately, my m separate and Mikhail moved quickly into place to block our attackers and deter any gunshots.Dont, I snapped at Dimitri, who I knew was probably virtually to join our both defenders. It was crucial he and I stay perfectly still, so we werent interpreted as threats. I so far went as far as to realise up my arms, andreluctantly, I suspectedDimitri did too. Wait. Please listen to us first.The guardian hardening was tight, with no gaps. I was pretty sure my mom and Mikhail were the only thing keeping them from shooting us then and on that point. Guardians would forever avoid fighting other guardians if possible. Two blockers were pro spering to take set ashore, though, and these guardians wouldnt wait forever. Jill and Abe suddenly moved forward, taking positions next to us. More shields. I saw one of the looming guardians grimace. Civilians complicated things. Adrian had not moved, that the fact that he was enclosed in the circle at all still made him an obstacle.Haul us off later if you want, I said. We wont resist. further you have to allow us talk first. We accredit who bulge egressed the queen. So do we, said one of the guardians. Now, the rest of you rearwards away before youre hurt. These are heartrending fugitives.They need to talk, said Abe. They have evidence.Again, he pushed forward with his case, acting confidently active things he had no clue about. He was staking it all on me. I was starting to the like him. It was kind of unfortunate that our evidence wasnt as 100 percent solid as Id hoped, only when as Id said earlier technicalities. permit them talk.It was a new voice, unless a v oice I knew by heart. Lissa pushed her way through deuce of the guardians. They held their tight position, the immediate concern being that we not take out. This allowed her to slip throughbut only so one could grab her arm and stop her from reaching us.Theyve come this far. They were right about Jill. Boy, that was not easy for her to say with a straight face, seeing as she hadnt entirely come to terms with the issue. My imminent death was probably the only thing distracting her from the earth burst experience of learning she had a potential sibling. She too was taking a lot on faith here, confident I was telling the truth. Youve got them. They cant go anywhere. middling let them talk. Ive got evidence to support their case too.Id manipulate off on sharing that, Liss, I said in a low voice. Lissa still believed Daniella was the sea wolf and wasnt going to like hearing the truth. Lissa flashed me a confused look but didnt protest. permits hear them, said one of the guardiansan d not average any Hans. After an escape like they pulled, Id really like to know what brought them mainstay.Hans was helping us? unless, he continued, Im sure you two will understand well have to restrain you before you blade your great reveal.I looked at Dimitri who had already turned to me. Wed both known what we were getting ourselves into, and honestly, this was a better scenario than Id en rafted.Okay, said Dimitri. He glanced at our noble protectors. Its okay. Let them get through.My mom and the others didnt move right away. Do it, I said. Dont end up as our cellmates.I thought for sure those loveable fools wouldnt listen to me. but Mikhail backed off first, and then the others did too, practically in sync. In a flash, guardians seized them all, leading them away. Dimitri and I stayed put, and four guardians moved in, two for Dimitri and two for me. Adrian had retreated with the others, but Lissa still stood a few feet away from us, all her trust in me.Get on with it, said Hans. He gripped my right arm tightly.I met Lissas eyes, hating what I had to say. But, no. She wasnt the one I was worried about hurting the most. Looking out into the audience, I found Christian, who was understandably watching this drama with avid attention. I had to turn away and stare at the crowd as a whole, refusing to see individual faces. Just a blur.I didnt kill Tatiana Ivashkov, I said. several(prenominal) people grumbled doubtfully. I didnt like her. But I didnt kill her. I glanced at Hans. Youve questioned the janitor who testified about where I was during the murder, right? And he IDd the man who attacked Lissa as the one who paid him off to lie about where I was? Id learned from Mikhail that Joe had eventually admitted to taking money from the mystery Moroi, once the guardians had cornered him with the picture.Hans frowned, hesitated, and then nodded for me to continue.Theres no drop off of his existenceat least not with the guardians. But the Alchemists know who he is. They saw him at one of their facilitiesacting as someones bodyguard. My eyes fell on Ethan Moore, who stood with the guardians near the door. A bodyguard for someone who was let in to see Tatiana the night she died Tasha Ozera.There was no need for any uproar from the audience this date because Tasha more than made up for it on her own. Shed been sitting next to Christian and sprang up from her chair.What on earth are you saying, Rose? she exclaimed. are you out of your soul?When Id stood there defiantly, ready to face the crowd and demand retributiveice, Id been full of triumph and power. Now now I was just sad as I stared at someone Id always trusted, someone who was staring back at me with so much shock and hurt.I wish I was but its true. We both know it is. You killed Tatiana.Tashas disbelief grew, tinged now with a little anger, though she still seemed to be giving me the benefit of the doubt. I never, never believed you killed herand Ive fought for you on that. Why are you doing this? Are you playing on the Strigoi taint in our family? I thought you were above that kind of prejudice.I swallowed. Id thought getting evidence would be the hard part. It was aught compared to revealing it. What Im saying has nothing to do with Strigoi. I almost wish it did. You hated Tatiana for her age law and refusal to let Moroi fight. Another memory came to me, when Tasha had learned about the secret training sessions. Tasha had been aghast with what I now suspected might have been guilt at misjudging the queen.The crowd was riveted and stunned, but one person came to sustenance an Ozera I didnt know but who apparently had family solidarity on his mind. He stood up, crossing his arms defiantly. Half this Court hated Tatiana for that law. You among them.I didnt have my bodyguard payoff a witness or attack LisPrincess Dragomir. And dont pretend you didnt know the guy, I warned her. He was your bodyguard. You were seen together. Ians description of her when she visited St. Louis had been perfectly clear long black hair, pale regretful eyes, and scarring on one side of her face.Rose, I cant even believe this is happening, but if Jamesthat was his namedid whatever youre talking about, then he acted alone. He always had radical ideas. I knew that when I hired him as outside protection, but I never thought he was capable of murder. She glanced around, looking for someone in charge, and finally settled on the Council. Ive always believed Rose was innocent. If James is the one responsible for this, then Im more than happy to tell you whatever I know to clear Roses name.So, so easy. The mystery MoroiJameswas almost everywhere Tasha had been. Hed also been spotted in suspicious situations where she hadnt beenlike Joes bribery and Lissas attack. I could save Tasha and just blame it all on him. He was already dead. Tasha and I could stay friends. Shed acted on principle, right? What was slander with that? Christian stood up beside her, looking at me like I was a stranger. Rose, how can you say any of this? You know her. You know she wouldnt do it. Stop making a scene and let us encounter out how that James guy killed the queen. So, so easy. Blame the dead man.James couldnt have staked Tatiana, I said. He had an injured hand. It takes both hands for a Moroi to stake someone. Ive seen it happen twice now. And I bet if you can get a straight answer out of Ethan Moore I glanced over at the guardian who had gone pale. He could probably jump into a fight and kill without hesitation. But this kind of scrutiny? And eventual interrogation by his peers? I didnt hold hed hold up. It was probably the reason Tasha had been able to manipulate him. James wasnt there the night Tatiana died, was he? And I dont think Daniella Ivashkov was either, despite what Princess Dragomir was told earlier. But Tasha was. She was in the queens chambersand you didnt discover it.Ethan looked like he cute to bolt, but his odds of escape were about as good as mine and Dimitris. He slowly move his head. Tasha wouldnt kill anyone. Not exactly the confirmation of her location I wantedbut close. The guardians would get more out of him later.Rose Christian was pissed off now. see him look at me with such outrage hurt even more than Tashas expression. Stop itLissa took a few hesitant steps forward. I could feel in her mind that she didnt want to believe what I was saying either yet she still trusted me. She thought of a controversial solution. I know its wrong but if we used compulsion on the suspects Dont even suggest that exclaimed Tasha, turning her sharp eyes on Lissa. Stay out of this. Your futures on the line here. A future that could withstand you great and achieve the things our people need.A future you could manipulate, I realized. Lissa believes in a lot of the reforms you do and you think you could convince her of ones she doesnt. specially if shes with your nephew. Thats why youve fought so hard to change the quorum law. You wanted her to be queen.Christian started to step forward, but Tasha laid a restraining hand on his shoulder. It didnt stop him from speaking. Thats idiotic. If she wanted Lissa to be queen, why make that James guy attack her?That was a mystery for me too, one of the holes I hadnt quite figured out. But Dimitri had. Conscious of his two guards, he shifted closer to me.Because no one was conjectural to die. Dimitris low, resonant voice sounded wonderful with the rooms acoustics. He needed no microphone as he order his words to Tasha. You didnt expect a guardian to be with her. He was right, I realized. Eddie had been drafted that night under weird circumstances and only barely made it back in time to see Ambrose with Lissa. James was probably going to fake an attack and run enough to generate sympathy and more support for Vasilisa. Which it sure enough didjust a little more severely.The outrage on Tashas face transformed to something I couldnt entirely gauge right away. Shed seemed offended at my accusations, but from Dimitriit was more. She looked legitimately hurt. Crushed. I knew that look. Id seen it on Adrians face a couple hours ago.Dimka, not you too, she said.Through Lissas eyes, I watched the colors of Tashas aura shift, burn a little brighter as she gazed at Dimitri. I could see exactly what Sonya had explained to me, how the aura showed affection.And thats why I took the fall, I murmured softly. No one but Dimitri and our guardians heard me.Hmm? Dimitri asked.I just shook my head. All this time, Tasha had still loved Dimitri. I knew she had decease year, when shed made him an offer to hook up and have kidsnot something a lot of dhampir men had the endangerment to get. Hed refused, and I thought she had accepted simply being friends with him. She hadnt. Shed still loved him. When Lissa had revealed my relationship with Dimitri to Hans, Tasha had already known. But for how long? I wasnt sure. Shed obviously known about the relationship b efore killing Tatiana, and putting the murder on me left Tasha free and clear and opened back up her chances with Dimitri.There was no invest in bringing up her personal motives for blaming me. Tatianas murder was the real issue at stake. I just looked at Hans. You can take me into custody, I meant it. But dont you think youve got enough to take herand Ethanin too?Hanss face was unreadable. His feelings toward me had always gone back and forth, since the day we met. Sometimes I was a troublemaker without a future. Other times I had the potential to be a leader. Hed believed I was a murderer, yet hed still allowed me to address the crowd. He didnt really like my friends either. What would he do now?He lifted his eyes from my face and looked to where several guardians were stationed in the audience, ready for any action. He gave a curt nod. Take bird Ozera. And Moore. Well question them.Seeing as Tasha was seated amidst other people, there was a bit of fear and panic when four guard ians moved toward her. They avoided injuring other audience members as much as possible, but there was still plenty of pushing and shoving. What came as a total surprise was how fiercely Tasha fought back. She was trained, I remembered. Not in the same way guardians were, but enough to make it hard to get a hold of her. She could kick and punchand stake queensand even managed to pick apart one guardian down.She might actually try to fight her way out of here, I realizedthough I didnt believe for an instant she could. It was too crowded and chaotic. Guardians were heading toward the fray. Terrified Moroi were trying to get away from the fight. Everybody seemed to be getting in everyone elses way. Suddenly, a loudcrack echoed through the room. A gunshot. Most of the Moroi dropped to the floor, though guardians unbroken coming. Holding a handgun she must have seized from the guardian shed knocked over, Tasha grabbed the first Moroi she could with her free hand. So help me, it was Mia Rinaldi. Shed been sitting near Christian. I didnt think Tasha even noticed her hostage choice. Dont move Tasha yelled at the encroaching guardians. The gun was at Mias head, and I mat up my heart stop. How had things escalated to this point? Id never foreseen this. My task was supposed to be neat and tidy. Reveal Tasha. Put her away. Done.The guardians froze, less because of her command and more because they were sizing up how to deal with the total threat. Meanwhile, Tasha began to slowlyvery slowlymake her way toward the exit, dragging Mia along. Her progress was slow and unwieldy, thanks to all the chairs and people in the way. The delay gave the guardians time to solve this ugly dilemma. They come first. Mias lifea Moroi lifewas on the line. The guardians didnt want Mia killed, but a gun-toting warrior Moroi also couldnt be allowed to go free.The thing was, Tasha wasnt the only warrior Moroi in the room. She had probably picked the worst hostage possible, and I could tell by the glint in Mias eyes that she was not going to go quietly. Lissa realized this too. One or both of them were going to get killed, and Lissa couldnt let that happen. If she could get Tasha to look at her, she could compel her into submission.No, no, no, I thought. I didnt need another friend involved.Both Lissa and I saw Mia tensing to break her way out of Tashas hold. Lissa realized she had to act now. I could feel it through the bond. I could feel her thoughts, the decision, even the way her bodys muscles and nerves moved forward to get Tashas attention. I felt it all so clearly, as if we shared the same body. I knew where Lissa would move before she even did.Tasha, please dontLissa sprang forward, her plaintive cry interrupted as Mia kicked back at Tasha and broke away, slipping down out of the guns reach. Tasha, startled on two fronts, still had her gun pointed out. With Mia out of her grasp and everything happening so fast, Tasha devilishly fired off a couple shots at the firs t threat moving toward herwhich wasnt the rapidly approaching guardians. It was a slim figure in exsanguinous who had shouted at Tasha.Or, well, it would have been. Like I said, Id known exactly where Lissa would step and what she would do. And in those precious seconds before she acted, I broke out of my captors hold and threw myself before Lissa. Someone leapt after me, but they were too late. That was when Tashas gun had gone off. I felt a biting and burning in my chest, and then there was nothing but wounda pain so complete and so intense it was almost beyond comprehension.I felt myself falling, felt Lissa inherited me and yelling somethingmaybe to me, maybe to someone else. There was so much commotion in the room that I didnt know what had happened with Tasha. There was just me and the pain that my mind was trying to block out. The world seemed to grow quieter and quieter. I saw Lissa looking down on me, shouting something I couldnt hear. She was beautiful. Brilliant. Crowne d in blithesome but there was darkness closing in around her. And in that darkness, I saw the faces the ghosts and spirits that always followed me. Thicker they grew, closing in. Beckoning.A gun. I had been brought down by a gun. It was practically comical. Cheaters, I thought. Id spent my life focusing on hand-to-hand combat, learning to dodge fangs and powerful hands that could snap my neck. A gun? It was so well, easy. Should I be insulted? I didnt know. Did it matter? I didnt know that either. All I knew in that moment was that I was going to die, regardless.My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in, and I swore, it was like I could hear Robert whispering in my ear The world of the dead wont give you up a second time.Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitris face join Lissas. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world. The dead could finally have me. And Id fulfilled my pur pose, right? To protect? Id done it. Id saved Lissa, just like Id sworn Id always do. I was dying in battle. No appointment books for me.Lissas face shone with tears, and I hoped that mine conveyed how much I loved her. With the last spark of life I had left, I tried to speak, tried to let Dimitri know I loved him too and that he had to protect her now. I dont think he understood, but the words of the guardian mantra were my last conscious thought.They come first.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Operations Management Test Bank

INSTRUCTORS TEST BANK Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Why would a marketing major(ip) need a basic foundation in operations management? A) Marketing staff schedule work centers for most businesses B) Marketing staff moldiness know how to design processes C) Marketing staff must(prenominal) be able to make decisions with the entire business in mind D) Marketing staff must understand the technical processes behind manufacturing capacity management C 2 The rate of a point of intersection is defined by A) The owner B) The potential client C) The price initially paid for the product being soldD) The actual cost of ownership over the products life B 3 A critical loss between a product and a helper is A) A product is tangible, but a service is not. B) A product is expensive, but a service is not. C) A product is often poor quality, but a service is not. D) A product is made with cheap labor, but a service is not. A 4 One reason producers of products also provide nodes with services is A) The y dont know any better. B) Services can be added at no cost. C) Services strike off them from competitors. D) Services are easier to match to node needs.C 5 One reason services are more difficult to manage than manufacturing is A) Services cant be stored as inventory for later use. B) Service employees arent as flexible as manufacturing employees. C) Service customers are more demanding. D) Services cant define processes precisely. A 6 A B2B customer would value a product differently than a B2C customer because A) Businesses have more money to spend than consumers. B) Businesses must consider how much value the product will add to the products and services they sell.C) Consumers cant define quality very well. A) Services cant be stored as inventory for later use. B) Service employees arent as flexible as manufacturing employees. C) Service customers are more demanding. D) Services cant define processes precisely. A 6 A B2B customer would value a product differently than a B2C cus tomer because A) Businesses have more money to spend than consumers. B) Businesses must consider how much value the product will add to the products and services they sell.C) Consumers cant define quality very well. D) Consumers are not as concerned about costs as businesses. B 7 Profitability results from A) High sales prices B) Minimal workers with low salaries C) The value being greater than the cost to create it D) Unintelligent customers C 8 An important part of a strategy is A) Writing down plans for processes B) Identifying suppliers of inputs to processes C) Establishing productivity measures for processes D) Identifying what lead customers value D 9Timeliness is a critical component of value for a business because A) Timeliness has a direct impact on a businesss fork over on investment. B) Business owners are impatient. C) Businesses are typically late and need things right away. D) Most products spoil quickly. A 1 0 D In the resource/profit model the resources used to cr eate value are A) Time, materials, machines, and people B) Natural resources, animal products, crops C) Labor, materials, cash, buildings, and transportation equipment D) Inventory, workforce, capacity, facilities

Monday, May 20, 2019

Spectroscopic Determination of Iron with Phenanthroline

Experiment A Spectroscopic purpose of Iron with Phenanthroline Unknown 2 Mass of Mohrs Salt 0. 2040 1. 5mL of 6M acetic acid was measured and transferred into a 100mL volumetric flask with a pipette and diluted to the mark. Concentproportionn= 0. 2040(0. 0001)g/100(0. 08)mL*(1mol/392. 16g)/(1L/1000mL) = 0. 005202(0. 09382%) = 0. 005202(0. 000005)mol/L 2. 10mL of the above stock origin was transferred to a 250 mL volumetric flask and diluted to the mark. Concentration= 0. 005202(0. 9382%)mol/L*10(0. 02)mL/250(0. 12mL) = 0. 00020808(0. 22607%) = 0. 00020808(0. 0000005)mol/L 3. Standard error of burette is 0. 02mL in every reading. Solution Desired Volume Absorption 1 Absorption 2 mediocre Absorption Standard 1 30 0. 662 0. 664 0. 662 Standard 2 25 0. 544 0. 546 0. 545 Standard 3 20 0. 43 0. 434 0. 432 Standard 4 15 0. 317 0. 309 0. 313 Standard 5 10 0. 222 0. 217 0. 2195 Standard 6 5 0. 113 0. 112 0. 1125 Unknown 1 0. 096 Unknown 2 4.Sample standard concentration calculation with standard 1, Concentration= 30(0. 02)mL/100(0. 08)mL*0. 00020808(0. 0000005)mol/L = 0. 000062424(0. 2807%) = 0. 000062424(0. 0000002) 5. From the normalisation curve of Absorbance Vs Concentration, we know the equation of the graph is y = 10553. 63(190. 5558)x 0. 00363(0. 007721) Where, y is the absorbance and x is the concentration. We know the absorbance of the unknown is 0. 096. therefore, 0. 096 = 10553. 63(190. 5558)x 0. 00363(0. 007721) x= 0. 096+0. 00363(0. 07721)/ 10553. 63(190. 5558) = 0. 00000944(7. 957%) = 0. 0000094(0. 0000008) 6. Standard Concentrations Uncertainties Average Absorbencies 0. 000062424 0. 0000002 0. 662 0. 00005202 0. 00000013 0. 545 0. 000041616 0. 000000108 0. 432 0. 000031212 0. 00000007 0. 313 0. 000020808 0. 00000006 0. 2195 0. 000010404 0. 00000005 0. 1125 SUMMARY OUTPUT Column1 Regression Statistics Multiple R 0. 999348603 R Square 0. 99869763 familiarized R Square 0. 998372037 Standard Error 0. 008293572 Observations 6ANOVA Column1 Colu mn2 Column3 Column4 Column5 df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 0. 2109807 0. 2109807 3067. 32299 6. 3634E-07 Residual 4 0. 000275133 6. 8783E-05 Total 5 0. 211255833 Column1 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value let down 95% Upper 95% Lower 95. 0% Upper 95. 0% Intercept -0. 003633333 0. 007720895 -0. 4705845 0. 66245106 -0. 025069975 0. 017803308 -0. 025069975 0. 017803308 X changeable 1 10553. 63322 190. 5558304 55. 3834181 6. 3634E-07 10024. 56542 11082. 0102 10024. 56542 11082. 70102 7. Isobestic point is a specific wavelength at which two chemical species have the same sub absorptivity. A pair of substances can have several isobestic points in their spectra. In a 1-to-1 chemical response that involves a pair of substances with an isobestic point, as long as the sum of the concentrations of the two molecular entities in the dissolving agent is held constant there will be no change in absorbance at this wavelength as the ratio of the concentrations of the two e ntities are varied.This is because the two substances absorb light of that specific wavelength to the same extent. We do not come after any isobestic point in this experiment because we did not scan through the entire spectrum but or else chose a wavelength at which the species have different molar absorptivity. Besides, if we were working with an isobestic point, we would not be able to arrive changes in absorption with changing ratios of concentrations. 8. Transmittance is the ratio of the radiation f wholeing upon a material, to the radiation transmissible through a material.Absorbance is negative logarithm of transmittance. Molar absorptivity is a meter of how strongly a chemical species absorbs light at a given wavelength. From Beers law we know that, A=? bc. Therefore the absorbance is proportional to the concentration. 9. A solution of Fe34- would show a violet-blue color at an absorbance maximum of 562. And if the absorbance maximum were 414, a green-yellow color would be observed. The spectra for absorbance maximum 562 are sketched in the pursuance The spectra for absorbance maximum 414 are sketched in the following 10.There could be instrument related sources of error. Stray light could be a problem since the detector responds to all the light that reaches it. In liquids, the extinction coefficient usually changes slowly with wavelength, which could add to the possible errors. There could be errors from the measurement uncertainty of the results. There could also be errors while preparations of the standards, due to presence of impurities in the apparatus which whitethorn lead to discrepancy in the calculation of the concentration. 11. Van De Water, Leon G. A Jaap A. Bergwerff, T.Alexander Nijhuis. UV-Vis Microspectroscopy Probing the Initial Stages of Supported coat Oxide Catalyst Preparation. J. Am. Chem Soc. 2005, 127(14), pp 5-24-2025. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO host. University of Minnesota Lib. Twin Cities. Minneapolis. MN. 05/02/12. In this article UV-Vis microscopy is used to monitor large distribution and speciation of the catalyst precursor species. Through this experiment more detailed information on the structure-function correlational statistics of the catalytic material is obtained. Koeppet, Benjamin Tolstoy, Peter M Limbach, Hans-Heinrich.Reaction Pathways of Proton Transfer in Hydrogen-Bonded Phenol Carboxylate Complexes Explored by Combined UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 113(20), pp7897-7908. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO host. University of Minnesota Lib. Twin Cities. Minneapolis. MN. 05/02/12. In this article better sagacity about the tautomeric states of the H bonded anions, and the solvent configurations were obtained from UV-vis time scale. The UV-vis absorptions were broadened inhomogeneously because of distribution of the H-bond geometries from the different solvents.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

At what age should teenagers be allowed to drive? Essay

The leadership I received from my Cadet army corps Commanding Officers was outstanding and influenced me tremendously over my c atomic number 18er. They inspired me and provided a sound humble upon which I was able to develop my own leadership abilities and the confidence to turn over in them. Hopefully, their being a role model for me has led me to be a role model for others. Lastly, cadets and the summer camps led me to believe that I wanted to join the Canadian Forces because I enjoyed the military way of lifeThe cadet design had a huge impact on my development. It instilled discipline, a sense that teamwork was important to succeed, the collect to strive for excellence, universe speaking experience, and an understanding that fitness was important and should be a way of life not fair(a) a passing trend. Lessons from cadets extradite aid me throughout my life. Having worked as part of a team in cadets, I found the adjustment to working as part of a team within the Canadian military was easy whereas others found the adjustment difficult. Public speaking is another area in which cadets aided my development. Being able to speak to a group effectively is extremely important as unitary moves through life and assumes various responsibilities.Cadets gave me the confidence and the basic principles of public speaking. Probably the most important lesson learned, however, was the need to look after ones subordinates as a first priority. Do this, and your chances of succeeding in your endeavours will be greatly enhanced. I am in Cornells College of Engineering and considering a major(ip) in Electrical Engineering.I enjoy every aspect of electrical engineering. Even when I was young, I used to take things apart to see how they worked. Now that Ive actually started learning how these things work and get hands on experience with electronics, I think that electrical engineering is the perfect choice for me. My interests are varied. I am extremely interested in ele ctronics, but that interest does not stop at just electronics it extends to computers. I have always been very strong in the area of computers. From software to ironware I have a natural inclination to understanding and operating computers.But I have always been more interested in the hardware side of computers, so I am more interested in digital electronics. As far as my career goals, there are devil areas in which I would love to work. First, I would love to work for NASA on their space probes. I aroma that I would find that type of research and problem solving oriented work interesting. You have to settle up with creative solutions to very hard problems presented by the environment of space. On the other hand, I would desire to work as a project manager in a high-tech company where I would have to lead my team through challenging projects. This high-tech company work is very homogeneous to the work at NASA.