Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Creativity in the class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creativity in the class - Essay Example Even before the students could fully settle down, the lecturer had already started speaking through the microphone. On the other hand, the students only concentrated on the lecturer after a warning that what he was speaking about could be part of an exam question (Boyer 82). Essentially, Boyer’s article talks about the inefficiencies in the education system especially at the University and College level. I totally agree with what he has pointed out in the article. As a matter of fact, it is the attitude of most of the professors towards their work that has contributed greatly to lowering student’s interests in learning activities. To begin with, it is unfortunate that a good number of the university professors are not passionate about their work. They are only doing it for the sake of occupation and to earn a living. For example, Boyer notes a statement whereby a faculty member says that attaining a class attendance of .666 is a great success. Another member complained that students can hardly concentrate for a long span unless one sings or dances for them. This member clearly shows her disinterest in helping students. She arrogantly concludes that â€Å"she won’t do that† (Boyer 83). ... Nowadays, it is not a shock for a lecturer to enter a lecture room, open a textbook, read out what is in that textbook to the students, and finally walk out when the time elapses. As a student, one is left wondering if that is what learning actually involves. Another reason that has contributed to education inefficiency at the university level is lack of commitment from lecturers in engaging the students in active discussions. For example, Boyer notes a discouraging comment from one professor who said that he liked the passivity of the students. The professor asserted that, â€Å"with these students, not everything has to be proven†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (Boyer 83)† This attitude ends up discouraging even the curious students. As already hinted above, it is unfortunate that some professors look forward to the end of the lessons rather than engaging students in active discussions. As soon as the lecture ends, it is almost impossible to track down the whereabouts of these professors as t hey do not have time for discussing with their students. As the end of it all is that the students end up losing interest in that subject. Also, it is unfortunate that the system of education puts much emphasis on grades rather than the knowledge acquired by the students. Whereas the lecturers may be quick to blame the students for their interest in only passing exams, the fact is that it is only those students who score good grades that end up being rewarded. In addition, the period for learning is normally little to allow a student to carry out extensive research. Most student who decide to read extensively end up performing poorly in the exams. This is because passing exams requires a strategy that Boyers refers to as â€Å"beating the system†. All students desire to pass

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