Friday, September 13, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of Mice and Men - Essay Example It is often said that ‘In tragedies, the central character comes to a realization about his life or an understanding of life in general as a result of his suffering. This true of in the case of Of Mice and Men also. This paper explains how the central character George Milton of Mice and Men realize about his life as a result of his suffering. The central characters of this novel are two migrant field workers; George Milton and Lennie Small. Milton was an intelligent man whereas Lennie Small, was a man with limited mental abilities. His behaviors were just like that of a child. During Great Depression, they traveled to different parts of California in search of fortune. Lennie created lot of problems to George since he was mentally retarded. George protected Lennie from mishaps and attacks from others. However, Lennie’s mental problems finally forced him to commit serious crimes like unintentional killing of a woman. George realized that Lennie is going to suffer a painful death penalty. The only thing George could do for his friend was to allow him to die peacefully without pain. George forced to shoot Lennie to save him from pain full death penalty. George dreamed of a prosperous future life even when he faced lot of troubles. He was optimistic and thought that the future life would be a happy one. However, his dr eams never came true and he forced to kill Lennie to save him from painful death.

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