Monday, August 12, 2019

Questions on Human Rights Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions on Human Rights - Article Example For example, there are people with Down syndrome and still are able to perform everything logically. The same is the case of some people with mild forms of Autism. It is worth remembering that famous Winston Churchill who played an unforgettable role in the World War II and as a historian was dyslexic. In addition, Isaac Newton probably had Asperger’s syndrome. However, one cannot deny the fact that most mentally retarded ones are just like children, and hence are unable to make rational decisions. So, one can argue that as far as children are not allowed to vote, the same principle can be used in the case of mentally retarded people too. Thus, in total, one is forced to reach the conclusion that a lot more specifications are required to gauge the degree of retardation in individuals so that an accurate answer can be reached based on the kind and degree of retardation. Otherwise, the ones who are evidently retarded need not be allowed to vote. II There is still intense debate on the issue whether women should be allowed to serve in combat. In fact, women are gradually getting more and more roles in the military avoiding the combat frontline. However, in the case of women infantry, task crew, and combat pilot, there still remains a taboo. Those who are in favor of women’s role in active combat frontline argue that if women show enough physical capability and mental alertness to serve in the combat frontline, denying them a chance amounts to rank hypocrisy. Another point favoring women is that in the modern battlefield, technical expertise and decision making are more important than raw physical strength. The third point is that being forced to play secondary roles is a fact that keeps many patriotic females from joining military. So, by allowing them to have equal opportunities, their presence in the military can be ensured. This is all the more important considering the fact that the presence of women is inevitable for certain tasks like medical a ssistance, policing, intelligence gathering, and mediation. However, there are allegations and claims from the other side too. The first is that though a minority of females manages to show enough physical capacity to join combat, the vast majority ‘miserably fails’ (Willens and Smith). So, the claim that females should be allowed to serve in combat is on shaky grounds. Secondly, the so called courageous females allege sexual harassment in the hands of masculine military subculture. So, the argument is that incorporating females into the force can only lead to more problems and tension in the force, leading to a decline in morality of the men. This will seriously affect the quality of the force in group activities. In total, it becomes evident that there is no base for the argument that females should not be allowed to serve in combat. So, a reasonable conclusion is that the few females who show enough physical capabilities, courage and desire to serve in combat should be allowed to do so. III One can undoubtedly say that the perfect form of freedom allow people to do whatever they like if that only affects their own lives. If this is the case, not allowing people to sell their own organs is a denial of this basic right, according to many. This is so because ones organs are ones own property that one has the right to do anything with. Yet another point is

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