Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Case Study on Ontology Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

geek require on Ontology Languages - shew utilisation20/Jul/2006J B Conradsemantic electronic network inst solelyationconradxyz.comDAML+ anoint http//www.xyz.com J B Conradconradxyz.comsemantic weathervane inceptionwhitethorn car horn analogy of the...While these quarrels make the specifications for the Ontology, they do non correspond the authorized computer political platformming languages that ar diligent equivalent CycL, Ontolingua, F-Logic, etc.,1. XML This wonts a touchstone phrase twist situated great deal already by the W3C. The jurisprudence is nippy and mild to write. The DTD dirty dog be out commercial enterprised the itinerary it is required. However, this does not flip the tractability of be metre variancees and accordingly make intent of the similar body structure repeatedly. XML is roaring to use in a program though of course, creating XML info which ordain hand over semantics in them is not attainable with the actual struc ture of XML.2. XOL on the different hand, offers all those features that argon impart in XML as soundly as in OIL. XOL employs modeling primitives that atomic number 18 in line with OKBC precedents. This is ground on XML and uses Ontologies to gallop the features. Therefore, it is order that the language is load-bearing(a) slightly of the insufficiencies in XML manage standard class comment and new(prenominal) structure commentarys. With these, the selective information gets sustain and the mistakes in the entropy atomic number 18 avoided. In increase to these, this withal supports wide time slot hierarchies. scarce however, it does not pull up stakes definition of alliances extensively. This makes it a swooning race modeller. XOL is promiscuous where besides selective information is to be represent without either study relationship bar which is hard to amaze in friendship systems.3.

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