Monday, April 22, 2019

Cultural practices at high altitudes that affect reproduction and Essay

Cultural places at in high spirits altitudes that affect reproduction and maturation. Specify what those things are - Essay exemplarSince earth is a globe with places of high and low altitudes the batch surviving in high altitudes acquit to retain certain cultural practices to maintain their health quotient. Human beings highest priority at all era were to condomguard its own species and as a result reproduction and maturation always had upper put across in their life. Generally High altitude residents engage in cultural practices that modify the effect of hypoxia on energy availability as well as other attributes of the high altitude environment(Hornbeing,49).It is seen that people living in High altitude like Tibet, and Nepal practice many cultural practices which positively affected their reproduction and maturation level High altitudes lack oxygen which elicit result in depravation of cells and affect the overall health of human being, certain cultural practices improve d their living conditions. The culture practice of retreating to set out lands during pregnancy Human being is largely depended on their natural environment for survival and bread and butter and irregularities in their environment can open a significant effect on his health and wellbeing. For human, the butt of growth and development is a crucial issue, and every thing initiates with healthy reproduction and maturation of offspring. ... nt to which the high altitude climate can affect the birthrate and maturation of an individual .Generally less malfunctions are spy and this could be the effect of the cultural practices used by the indigenous people living in that particular proposition region. As per (Russo)Babies innate(p) to mothers living at high altitudes tend to be smaller than babies from lower altitudes. The trim back flow of oxygen to the placenta can slightly retard the babys growth, and this can increase some of the risks to the baby (particularly if it is born pre maturely).This could be a main reason the women move to lower altitude where oxygen is abundant that can assure a better health for the themselves and their unborn child Social aspect of moving to lower altitude for birth It is widely seen that Tibetan and Nepalese women descend to lower altitude during pregnancy to invalidate the high altitude stress prevalent in cold regions. Tibetan and Nepalese people have unique adaptation capability in comparison to normal people and have better fertility rate than women of lower altitudes. However, they come to lower altitudes to avoid the morning sickness, nausea and other illnesses they confront during they clock of pregnancy. Generally a deficiency of oxygen in the blood level can result in seizure, fatigue, coma or even death to women as she is in pregnancy stages. So in instal to avoid these fatal conditions the women in high altitudes mostly move to lower altitudes to have a safe pregnancy period and healthy child. Every culture want s to protect their people and reproduction is the main origin by which we populate and expand our generation. The women in the high altitudes realized that during pregnancy they experience high problem in breathing and they knew this could affect health and maturation

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