Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Food crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Food crisis - Essay Ex productiveAdverse weather condition is associated with the increasing speak to of intelligents due to prevailing lack of supplies or performance. Krugman tries to emphasize that the origin and implication of provender crisis is traced back to changing climate which resulted further to droughts and floods. The intense heat is said to be the land why there is an ample amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. This is said to result to heavy raining which causes flood in certain parts of the institution especially in the tropics. Krugman believes that this slows down solid food production that in the end becomes the great contributing factor of the recent food crisis.The issue of changing climate may non be far as reason to contribute to food crisis. In fact, the very thought about changing weather condition to affect food production and allow is very relevant enough as a reason. Heavy rain, typhoon and other environmental impacts brought by changing c limate all over the world may not be far enough to affect production and supply of food. However, it seems that the issue of changing weather condition is just only in addition to the problem of food crisis. It cannot be only if considered as the root cause of the problem on the lack of food production or supply in the world. There argon prior issues to this that need to be considered that eventually have contributed to global food crisis. Population increase Food crisis is caused by rapidly increasing commonwealth in the world (Grigg, 1980). This is the reason why there is a need to come up with biotechnology and other related scientific innovation in order to increase production and supply of food. Food production is necessary in order to meet the spiraling forward demand of the people. Increasing food production is eventually the practise to the fleck of worlds population and the corresponding demand for food. With biotechnology for instance, it has become a good idea to pro mote genetic modification of some plants and domestic animals in order to enhance their characteristics to eventually ensure more production. For instance, with BT corn technology, the plants characteristics are enhanced and improved to fight ruinous pests and diseases. The result would be to enhance growth and production. There are certainly diseases of the corn that can be prevented when some genetic modification has to be implemented. This is just one of the good promises of advancing food production through innovation with science and technology. In short, the need to come up with this or undergo this take aim of process is highly associated with the rising demand for food because of the increase and demand of the world as its population continues to grow in number year after year. The worlds population in 2008 is assorted from 2010s or 25 years from the past. There is certainly corresponding increase in number of the worlds population and this is a great contributing factor why shortage of food has become eminent. There are more people to be fed. This contributes to social, political and economic concerns of a nation. In general, this specific event calls for social, economic and political concerns as well. The issue of distribution Some says that food crisis is caused by significantly simple political and economical issue more than anything else. There are some countries that are said to be not so willing to distribute to the world what they essentially have with them. This mainly involves the issue of food distribution. There is reputed issue about food distribution today and from the past. This makes food crisis not just a matter of availability of food but of distribution. Some countries eventually are not that willing to share what they have especially the raw materials in food production. China for instance is

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Securities and Exchange Commission Assignment

The Securities and Exchange Commission - Assignment ExampleThe role of the component part of investiture management is to regulate investment companies.The siemens protects investors by providing a regulatory framework that oversees the activity of universe corporations. The SEC creates laws that are geared towards ensuring public corporations report accurate information in a by the way manner. An example of a law enforced by the SEC that raised investor confidence in twenty-first century after a series of corporate scandals is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The work performed by the SEC enforcement division ensures corrupt companies face penalties for their actions.A fair, orderly, and efficient market means that investors have access to a unquestionable marketplace that is able to handle all the consumer orders during handicraft hours. The trading and markets division accomplishes this task by rule the major securities market participants which includes the brokers, dealer s, transfer agents, and self-regulatory organizations. The superb electronic information system of the SEC is essential to mellow the market in a fair, orderly, and efficient manner.Capital formation occurs when the money saved by the presidential term and the individuals of a society is transferred to the business sector. The SEC is an institution whose objective and mission is to promote capital formation. The SEC promotes capital formation by ensuring corporation disclose all financial information through mechanisms much(prenominal) as the Annual Report. The investigations performed by the SEC help stop illegal activities such as insider trading that are detrimental to

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Reducing the Risks of Petrochemical Companies Essay

Reducing the Risks of Petrochemical Companies - Essay ExampleII. Description of the line of work In describing the problem, three risks of petrochemical companies waste been recognized, namely, (1) ergonomic harms, (2) fires, and (3) environment contamination. First, ergonomics denotes the interface between human beings and the eddy and machine in the workplace. Workers in petrochemical companies are highly exposed to ergonomic harms, such as musculoskeletal disorders (common for workers of drilling companies), or diseases ca utilise by toxic fumes or substances. The petrochemical accident in Bhopal, India will be the example that will be used for ergonomic harms. Second, petrochemical companies are also prone to accidental fires or explosions due to their handling of fuels, such as hydrocarbons. Good examples for this category are the fires and explosion in Texas and Louisiana. Third, petrochemical companies check with it several environmental hazards, just like in China and Arg entina wherein massive environmental catastrophes have brought about a cycle of damages to the health of the local population. Some of the examples that will be used in this category are the oil spills in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico. ... Generating and using such chemicals requires handling detrimental substances and massive volumes of energy. Due to these circumstances, when there is an accident at a petrochemical plant, it can create disastrous effects III. Importance/Significance of Inquiry Petrochemical companies are currently an interesting issue for accident research. The petrochemical industry is some rigidly connected, and has numerous intricately interactive elements. This research is interested in petrochemical companies because they demonstrate the existence of accidents in an established, efficient, modernized industry that has a significant financial interest to mitigate accidents. According to some studies, in petrochemical companies, with efficient management, advance d technologies, and powerful motivations to avoid disasters, the existence of accidents must indicate a phenomenon inherent to the mechanisms themselves (Galambos et al. 2007). In other words, petrochemical accidents are most probably internally caused. Therefore, finding out these internal causes to ergonomic harm, fires/explosions, and environmental contamination will almost certainly help in developing the best solutions to reduce the authority hazards in petrochemical companies. Therefore, the problem is important to solve because the Increasing growth of the petrochemical companies incidents in our world in the by two decades. IV. Relevance Statement The research involved with this proposal is socially and culturally important because petrochemical companies, which forrader were viewed as signs of success and affluence became associated with environmental degradation, injuries, casualties, and

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Party is Over Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Party is Over - Essay ExampleOil industry boomed peculiarly during 1860 and 1900 when scientific and technological discoveries took place. Another oil pioneer that is credited for his contribution to the oil expansion is french engineer J.J. Etienne Lenoirn who with his discovery of first world internal combustion engine which looked much to the gasoline.Though it took about 40 years to have clear automobile and interdependency of oil and industries, Lenoirn certainly paved the right smart for oil production with his innovation of internal engine combustion. In 1990, kerosene sky-rocketed the oil production callable to the interior(prenominal) usage of lighting and cooking, which later on on the supply was affected by the invention of voltaic bulbs.After World War I, city construction in Europe paved the way for automobiles which later on increased oil production. Though most of war automobiles used fuel which was largely supplied by US, which led to the systemization o f oil production, refining and shipping. Oil importance was vividly seen during this time which contributed much to the US scotch growth. The US became the world superpower nation due to the wealth accumulated during the year of 1950 to 1965 which doubled once more from year 1965 to 1980.Though an oil price has been fluctuating, oil and its products have been valuable resource which contributed much to the automakers unitedly with oil companies in America. Though a link between auto industries and oil companies grew fast which saying more cars releases, other stinting aspects also had positive impact to the country which made America to depend heavily on oil production to date.Due to its heavily dependence on oil, America oil production started to decline which has made US looking for oil out of America. Oil revolution has not only changed Americans life, but the world as whole. US claim a deal of 50/50 split with Saudi Arabia which made US which assured US of more oil while Bri tain strike deal with Iran which later on was nationalised during the nationalism in Iran. Taking a good look at the trend of economic development around the world, especially in the oil producing countries, it is evidenced that these countries experienced a certain amount of conflicts. Apart from the conflicts, US have now become largest oil user, which cannot even reckon the domesticated demand. Importation of oil to US has been increasing since 1970 which US has to make up for its shortfall from domestic production. (Richard Heinberg, The Party is Over, 2nd Edition 2005). US being the well-explored country have not managed to meet it domestic demand for oil. Being an industrial country, the oil production has to be high as well, the notion that has squeeze US to look for alternative in filling the gap of the energy required. In his book, Richard Heinberg described most of alternative energy sources like solar energy and atomic energy that could at least economic aid in meeti ng the demand. . However, efforts to improve efficiency are subject to diminishing returns, and so eventually a point will be reached where reduced energy availability will translate to reduced economic activity.According to Richard Heinberg, US is the worlds largest energy consumer, the centre of global industrial empire and, and the holder of the most knock-down(a) store of weaponry in world history. This might play vital role in defining the geopolitics of the new century.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Commodity Trading in the United Kingdom Dissertation

good Trading in the unify Kingdom - Dissertation ExampleThis question study examines how two of the largest good traders in the domain, Vitol and Glencore International, conduct their commodity trading activities through the commodity exchanges in the United Kingdom and in its OTC market. The pit trading system of the years gone by is now replaced by electronic systems that receive orders from traders through the Internet to match these orders with other orders for execution of a transaction. In an electronic exchange the clearinghouse regulated by a supervisory body and the government acts as an intermediary, to deliver lower costs, security, reliability and a global reach for trading in commodity contracts and commodity derivatives. The OTC market in the United Kingdom is less strictly regulated than the exchanges listing commodity contracts and commodity derivatives, but this market offers flexibility for those with needs that standardised commodity listed contracts cannot sat isfy. A literature review and semi-structured interviews with commodity traders with expert knowledge assist the research together with the case studies for Vitol and Glencore International. The research concludes that it is likely that the United Kingdom commodity market will continue to attract interest from each around the world with a promise for delivering more for less take down into the future. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 footing 3 1.2 Objectives of the Research resume 6 Chapter 2 Literature review 8 2.1 The Impact of electronic Trading on Commodities 8 2.2 Contracts on Commodity trades 10 2.3 The Trading House and Trading direction in Exchanges 11 2.4 The Financial Services Authority (FSA) 12 2.5 The London International Financial and Futures Exchange (LIFFE) 13 2.6 Trading on the LIFFE associate 15 2.7 Buyers and Sellers on Electronic Exchanges 17 2.8 Types of Orders on the LIFFE CONNECT 18 2.9 Basics of Commodity Trading 21 2.10 Commodity Derivatives 22 2 .11 Over-the-Counter Trades 23 2.12 linguistic rule of Commodity Trading 25 2.13 The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) 27 Chapter 3 Methodology 30 Chapter 4 Results of Semi-Structured Interviews 37 Chapter 5 Case Studies 44 5.1 Vitol Case Study 44 5.2 Case Study for Glencore International 47 Chapter 6 Analysis and Interpretation 51 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 65 Appendix A - Questionnaire for Semi-Structured Interviews 69 Appendix B - Consent Form 74 Bibliography / References 76 List of numbers Figure 1 Change in Commodities Trading in the United Kingdom over the Years 53 Figure 2 Commodity Assets under Management in the United Kingdom 55 Figure 3 OTC Derivatives Trading in Commodities in the United Kingdom 56 Figure 4 Commodity Trading on Exchanges in the United Kingdom 57 Figure 5 A equivalence of Commodities, Stocks and Bonds in the United Kingdom 58 Figure 6 Breakdown of Exchange Traded Commodity Securities in the United Kingdom 60 Figure 7 Value of London Bullion Market modify 61 Figure 8 A Comparison of Long-Term Commodities Returns based on the Goldman Sachs Commodities Index 62 (This page intentionally left blank) Chapter 1 Introduction Agricultural commodities, minerals, crude oil, metals, natural gas and even energy in the form of electricity are among the fundamental inputs for production and consumption in all societies (Schaeffer, 2008, Pp. 1 5). Thus, resource commodity markets are vital for all regions and nations because these markets play a central aim in economic development, international trade, and global economic and political stability. Commodity markets enable resource-producing nations to earn exporting revenues by linking

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Education Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Education Policies - Essay ExampleEvery successive government views instruction as a field for change as public opinion and support for educational culture is always guaranteed. Therefore, every government promises to lift standards, enhance achievement and schools. While methods and initiatives differ with every semipolitical assorty, the issue of improving schools has been a regular form _or_ system of government objective in many countries (Townsend, 2007). All slightly the world, governments are trying out to new policies to deal with innovative technologies, new world order and a dynamic global economy. All through the post-war period, there have been numerous efforts to improve the UK education system, frequently with a clear objective to try and make it more effective (Machin & Vignoles, 2006). It is believed that education plays a operative role in facilitating economic growth, equality of opportunity and social justice (Townsend, 2007). Over the last both decades, t here has been an unparalleled growth in public interest in education, which has given rise to a number of policies such as SureStart, Every Child Matters (ECM), Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), expansion high Education, etc. Trowler (200395) defines education insurance as a specification of principles and actions, related to educational issues, which are followed or which should be followed and which are designed to being about desired goals. The definition clearly illustrates that fact that policy is a process, something which is dynamic and non unchangeable. Trowler (2003) further suggests that the dynamic comes from political and educational conflict interpretation of policy and the practical implication for individuals involved at all levels of the education system. Thus a working and debatable definition of the education policy-making process could be the historical, social and political processes that shape a thought or issue within the education system (Trowler, 2 003). Ozga (2000) suggests that policy can be viewed directly in terms as the actions of government, intended to secure certain results. Similarly, it can be considered a process sort of than a product, entailing negotiation, opposition or resistance among various segments who might not be a part of the formal machinery of official policy making. Ozga (1990) asserts that educational policy is not an impartial creation and it is also not created entirely at a single level without finding the middle ground with others. In theory, McLaughlin (1987) shows that policy implementation studies demonstrates how the transformation of policy into practice is distinguished by bargaining and negotiation and how policy as enacted varies from policy as designed. Research further demonstrates the way officially formulated educational policies are adapted, sometimes altered, when executed in schools and classrooms (Coburn, 2001). Moreover, policies are challenged, interpreted and performed in a var iety of areas as words and meanings of policymakers do not always transform directly and clearly into institutional operations. They are inflected, thought over, opposed and misinterpreted, or in a few cases simply prove impracticable. It is also essential not to misjudge the pellucid rationality of policy (Ball, 2008). State constitutions designate different institutions with task and official authority for education policymaking. In the modern world, constitutional power and responsibility might be the only complete

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Knowledge Management Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

friendship vigilance Techniques - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the definition of noesis focussing as the tools, techniques and strategies to retain, analyse, organise, meliorate and sh be business expertise. This definition of familiarity management seems incomplete for the reasons mentioned in the following discussion. The definition restricts association management to the business sector only, whereas in my view noesis management engulfs almost all the realistic world issues. However the generalization indicated through the terms tools, techniques and strategies makes this sound more appropriate. In practice knowledge management cannot be defined or expressed through specific terminologies. This is because the current meanings associated with the modern tools and gadgets may not be able to cope up with the growing pace of the phenomenon that drives knowledge management. To me the span of knowledge management is ever expanding. The endless limits of data gen eration and spread of knowledge owing mainly to globalization are just a few of the factors that contribute to this paradigm of thought. Knowledge management is the effective knowledge processes associated with exploration, exploitation and sharing of human knowledge (tacit and explicit) that use appropriate technology and cultural environments to enhance an government activitys intellectual capital performance. The definition explains knowledge management as a combination of processes that are performed on knowledge. These processes are exploration, exploitation and sharing. ... With this description the ever growing meanings of knowledge management cannot be justified. This definition categorically covers the aspects related to technology and cultural environments. The main purpose of the whole example indicated in this definition is to improve the organizations working in terms of intellect. The most effectual characteristic narrated in this definition is effective learning. For learning to be effective it needs many scope or domain in which it can be exercised. Generally there is no such thing as ineffective learning. The definition highlights the relevance learning and its respective domain. Definition 3 Knowledge the insights, understandings, and practical know-how that we all possess is the fundamental resource that allows us to function intelligently. Over time, considerable knowledge is also transformed to other manifestations such as books, technology, practices, and traditions, - within organisations of all kinds and in society in general. These transformations result in cumulated expertise and, when used appropriately, increased effectiveness. (Wiig, 1993) Evaluation The definition proclaims that the basic entity that works keister intelligence is knowledge. This declaration may refer to the logical exploitation of knowledge as intelligence. on the face of it the words may hold broader sense than expected. The term traditions takes this definition very close to the real demeanor phenomena. The assertion can be seen through the usage of term like society. Books, technology, practices and traditions are considered as varieties of appearances of knowledge. In my view these may also be considered as means or medium of knowledge transfer and usage. Knowledge encompasses both i.e. individual and

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Management (principles,skills,and applications) Essay

Management (principles, attainments,and applications) - Essay ExampleThe most crucial consideration has to be the manager effectiveness. From this quality all the other facets in a manager estimate upon. To be effective should be the primary(prenominal) concern for any manager. So we study the management skills with this inclination in mind.In a world of continuous change thanks to the technological and scientific advances in that respect is an increasing need for new and better leaders in all of the fields of the business spectrum. on that point is a growing need for a higher vision in the way business is done, so management skills fill up a very prominent place in the ladder of advantage in any corporate environment. To achieve many of its goals any company looks for the best(p) people with the best qualities so they can fulfill its expectancies with certain reliability. Managers should be endowed with many different skills as we give see in the following pages. Their effe ctiveness will be the source for the success of the business enterprise, so there are many strong demands placed on the managers shoulders in relation to their skills.Leslie W. Rue and Lloyd L. Byars (2005) in their book Management Skills and Application (PowerPoint format) deals with the most relevant principles of Management. They make the distinction of the different kinds of management into one-third classes Top management, middle management and supervisory management (chapter 1, slide 6). In the slide 7, chapter 1, they state that the tasks or functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. As the roles of management they specify terce roles in slide 9, chapter 1 social roles (figurehead, relationship builder, leader), information-related roles (monitor, communicator, spokesperson), decision making roles (entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource director, negotiator). All this gives us a clear belief of the scientific nature of Manag ement. On the other hand, Gerald M. Blair considers that the manager of a small team has to play the roles of planner, provider, and shielder at the same time.In chapter 1, slide 10, of the cited book by Rue and Byars (2005) the authors delimit the management skills into three categories conceptual, kind-hearted resources, and technical and they define them in the following wayConceptual help managers understand how different move of an organization relate to one another and to the business as a whole.Human resources needed by managers to understand and work with people.Technical specific abilities that people use to perform their jobs.Gemmy Allen, on the other hand, speaks about(predicate) the same categories in the article entitled Management Skills referring to one book by Robert Katz Robert Katz identified three managerial skills that are essential to successful management technical, human, and conceptual. Technical skill involves process or proficiency knowledge and profici ency. Managers use the processes, techniques and tools of a specific area. Human skill involves the ability to act effectively with people. Managers interact and cooperate with employees. Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Managers understand abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas. In this way they agree in these main

Dental Braces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dental poise - Essay ExampleThese alloy braces usually constitute of small metal wires and brackets that are coupled and bonded with each tooth. These are the braces which generally people picture as they hear about braces. They consist of metal wires which are attached to brackets that are fixed to each tooth in a row. These wires can be tightened or loosened by the orthodontists according to the need of the patient and they can provide get a line to the straightening fulfil of the odontiasis. Their most distinctive feature is that they are visible metal wires that are sometimes considered embarrassing or a sign for ill dental health (Krishnan 2).The other fount of braces is the current type called invisalign. They are called invisalign because they are invisible and are aligned to the teeth as they are custom made. This plectrum is suitable for most of the patients as it is a modern type of braces and it is worn and replaced every devil weeks. There is no need of wires or metal brackets as the aligners are made of plastic. These aligners move the teeth into place and straighten them progressively. The treatment and the straightening process from these invisaligners take about 1 and a half historic period maximum (Carson 70). These invisaligners are the best alternative to traditional braces and are widely used nowadays. However, at that place are several limitations that hinder the widespread usage of these modern braces and complete elimination of the metal braces (Carson 70).Metal braces and invisalign braces both have prefers and disadvantages. The advantages of the metal braces over the modern type of braces can still be figured out and valued. The most important advantage is that the traditional metal braces are less expensive. In an era where the healthcare facilities are attain new heights, patients find it easier to buy the less expensive type of braces. These braces also provide control to the

Monday, April 22, 2019

Cultural practices at high altitudes that affect reproduction and Essay

Cultural places at in high spirits altitudes that affect reproduction and maturation. Specify what those things are - Essay exemplarSince earth is a globe with places of high and low altitudes the batch surviving in high altitudes acquit to retain certain cultural practices to maintain their health quotient. Human beings highest priority at all era were to condomguard its own species and as a result reproduction and maturation always had upper put across in their life. Generally High altitude residents engage in cultural practices that modify the effect of hypoxia on energy availability as well as other attributes of the high altitude environment(Hornbeing,49).It is seen that people living in High altitude like Tibet, and Nepal practice many cultural practices which positively affected their reproduction and maturation level High altitudes lack oxygen which elicit result in depravation of cells and affect the overall health of human being, certain cultural practices improve d their living conditions. The culture practice of retreating to set out lands during pregnancy Human being is largely depended on their natural environment for survival and bread and butter and irregularities in their environment can open a significant effect on his health and wellbeing. For human, the butt of growth and development is a crucial issue, and every thing initiates with healthy reproduction and maturation of offspring. ... nt to which the high altitude climate can affect the birthrate and maturation of an individual .Generally less malfunctions are spy and this could be the effect of the cultural practices used by the indigenous people living in that particular proposition region. As per (Russo)Babies innate(p) to mothers living at high altitudes tend to be smaller than babies from lower altitudes. The trim back flow of oxygen to the placenta can slightly retard the babys growth, and this can increase some of the risks to the baby (particularly if it is born pre maturely).This could be a main reason the women move to lower altitude where oxygen is abundant that can assure a better health for the themselves and their unborn child Social aspect of moving to lower altitude for birth It is widely seen that Tibetan and Nepalese women descend to lower altitude during pregnancy to invalidate the high altitude stress prevalent in cold regions. Tibetan and Nepalese people have unique adaptation capability in comparison to normal people and have better fertility rate than women of lower altitudes. However, they come to lower altitudes to avoid the morning sickness, nausea and other illnesses they confront during they clock of pregnancy. Generally a deficiency of oxygen in the blood level can result in seizure, fatigue, coma or even death to women as she is in pregnancy stages. So in instal to avoid these fatal conditions the women in high altitudes mostly move to lower altitudes to have a safe pregnancy period and healthy child. Every culture want s to protect their people and reproduction is the main origin by which we populate and expand our generation. The women in the high altitudes realized that during pregnancy they experience high problem in breathing and they knew this could affect health and maturation

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Discuss the difficulties most often encountered in business writing Essay

Discuss the difficulties most often encountered in origin paper and how to avoid them - Essay ExampleLot of entrepreneurs who undergo the process of championship writing unremarkably fails to achieve the target due to the following problems. M whatsoever bloodline writers fail to come up with stiff business writing due to their failure to identify the ref of their business report (Siljander, 2008). This makes it hard for them to come across the necessary information needed to speak the key areas of interest to the readers. During the writing, many students concentrate on broad a lot of explanation in areas that are of less importance to the reader. All this is due to their inability to identify the key potential areas which needs much more explanation. To overcome this, the writers need to slam the audience they are addressing in their writing. The writer must be aware whether his writing targets up, down or askance communication. The writer must know the reader of his or her writing as much as possible. The flake the writer realizes the reader of his writing, and he or she will be in a position to address the core problems the reader motivations to see solved (Spedding, 2010). For example, if the writer is communicating up the chain of command, then intentional the reader of his writings will be beneficial as it will determine whether her or his writing will be acted upon by the targeted audience. Before engaging in any business writing, the writer should suck his or her time to consider the reader preferred communication style. The writer needs to think almost how the intended reader communicates with others in the business. Identify whether the intended reader wants the writing to get direct to the charge up or not. This knowledge of the writer about the intended reader of his message will enable him to know where to put his message, at the beginning or the end. Secondly, during business writing, writers face a monumental problem of dec ision making on the personal line of credit of communication he or she will adopt. This problem appears the moment the writer starts preparing business writing without knowing the intended reader (Moore, 2008). To overcome this, once the writer has identified the end reader of his or her business writing, he or she needs to make an informed decision on the channel to be used. Channels of communicating the writing may be divided into two forms, i.e. formal or informal. During the writing, the writer should consider the reader who will pass through his or her information (Butler, 2006). This will dish the writer to choose appropriate channel of communication to use. He or she will be in a position to decide whether to use a brochure, letter, e-mail or other form of business writing. During seminars and business writing workshops, writers often understands the objectives required by different readers. They also find it easier to identify communication channels to be used at various i nstances. The main problem they face in their commence to develop and come up with appropriate business writing is a task to realize their overall objective (Moore, 2008). Many writers think that the overall goal of their writing is to ensure the intended reader reads it. By this, they end up falling short of the purpose of business writing. To overcome this problem, writers need to verbalize what they want from the reader (Butler, 2006). This will help them adopt specific actions during their writing. Before the writer gets engaged in any business writing, he should clearly know what he or she wants from the reader. They

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Performance system at UTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

transaction system at UTS - Essay ExampleThe performance and teaching procedure provided a more practical frame compute in which they helped the management and their executive to coordinate and calculate together. They planned to achieve the following goals I. Planning realistic contrive that enhances the goals of the university among its academic programs that are usually reproducible with faculty workload policies II. The clarification of the expectations and ways in which the program should be initiated III. The anticipation and response to the change strategies IV. The access of the facultys effectiveness and competence of the job they do V. Ensuring that the executive attend to their delegate duties, and regular feedback is collected to achieve the programs goals. VI. The promotion of professional development and career enhancement VII. The management of the factors that whitethorn have an impact on staff members work The management of the performance and development stra tegies ensures that an annual strategic plan of the cycle is enhanced. The cycle contains four main aspects. They include I. Planning this involves the creation and confirmation of the Performance and Development work plan. II. Do- it ensures that the executives work towards achieving the objectives, measures and the development goals outlined in the firms work plan. III. Review- this ensures that there is accessibility of work by the executives and the development activities throughout the year and the participation of the annual refreshen of the performance and development progress. The relevance of the progress reviews during the year includes the recording of the development, and recognition of the accomplishment and the inadequacy of the plan (Cohen, 1993, 48). It also entails the confirmation of the staff members performances that meet the expectations that are summarized in the work plan. The discussion of the problems encountered in the undertakings, and the adjustment of the work plan if necessary is a component of the policy reviews. IV. Improve- this ensures that there is incessant improvement in the origination and eminence, seeking the response from the supervisors and corporate about how to enhance their work. The annual academic staffs participate to plan and review the work plans in Performance and Development process. This enables them to determine the workload that is initiated by the university to executives. It also ensures that the performance of the university is reviewed, and rated jibe to the preferences of the workload. The hard working members are also rewarded to motivate them and others in general (Miguel, 2009, 48). This ensures that the universitys progress is monitored, and the scoop up results are achieved, through the implementation of the policies in the work plan. The members of the academic staff are granted the luck to apply for promotion based on their qualities and positions. The UTS distinguishes academic during th eir premature phases this is because they have exceptional requirements related to take hold and improvement of their roles and careers. The executives who are not qualified to certain levels do not receive their salary level, and their eligibility to the addition progression is usually classified to different levels.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Project Management Capstone - Problem Identification Assignment - 1

Project Management Capstone - Problem Identification - assignment ExampleIt has also been identified that for an organization to run efficiently, management should take the responsibility of ensuring that all the indispensable factors of effective run into management are put into consideration. Thereafter, develops a proper plan to mitigate chances downfalls at heart the business. However, one of the major occupations that automobile companies face is the inability to influence broader market margins. Therefore, this paper unravels problems affection proposal implementation in an organization and various measures to mitigate such occurrences.Similar to any other project management, project scope addresses initiatives at all levels of project management and the implementation strategies agreed at the initial stages of project development. Based on the tender-hearted resource problem, several scholars have clarified that poor human resource management would directly affect capita l market. For instance, readiness of newly recruited employees is a large problem to most of the businesses compared to competitors who prosper by retaining their employees. No company would ever love to incur expenses in training employees only to lose them. Besides, constant shifting of employees reduces outcome and competitive development of business. Wagner & Bode (2009), illustrates that the use computerized go and internet facilities within an organization are vital to mixtures in various ways thus relating organisational skills towards the contribution of adequate returns to the company. It has also been clarified that companies that use technology often has customized response to any slightest change in liaison to consumers demand by producing goods and services through controlled production process Wagner & Bode (2009). Moreover, it whitethorn affect some sections of the organization especially members of the staffs who feel that they are ill targeted by the change proce ss.The main(prenominal) purpose of a

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership Coursework

Ethical Decision Making and Ethical leading - Coursework ExampleI understand your current dilemma, and I am glad that you are seeking encourage insight into the issue.The Kohlberg Model is of critical importance in this situation as it can help you learn the level of ethics you should exhibit. Although the issue at hand deals with accepting a small gift from a customer, my advice to you will be applicable in other situations in the future. As an employee who has worked for the company for a longsighted time, it is important to begin appreciating the world(a) estimable principle that Kohlberg described in stage 6 of his model. thither is a need for an individual to examine any action in a categorical style before proceeding with it (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013). When acting in conformity to this stage, an individual will be displaying moral adulthood because he or she will do what is right not because they are afraid of punishment, but because they visit that it is th e right thing to do. In your current situation, accepting a gift from a customer unconstipated if it is of a small value is a contravention of the companys code of ethics. In addition, universal business ethics do not promote such behavior. Therefore, I hope you will regard the companys code of ethics as well as the universal ethical principles in your effort to exhibit ethical behavior in the current situation. Notably, if you act in accordance in accordance with the sixth stage of Kohlberg Model, you will realize that it will be much easier to make ethical decisions in the future (Klikauer,

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Demand for Health Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Demand for Health Insurance - Essay ExampleAlarming constitution is the polity involving market-oriented solutions regarding the health insurance. Since customers have the habit of sorting themselves in certain groups, the talks on how to change the policy is based on the aborting criterion (Morrisey 87). Here, strategies should be put in place so that each(prenominal) direct of customer should be favored and that they should not sort themselves in groups. In doing the above, the strength part of it is that all the customers will benefit equally. Weakness here is that customers are hard to understand and they tend to oppose the unit procedure for their own benefits.In most cases, health accusation policy in the developing inelegant entails a government-sponsored clinics and hospital networks. The above has a goal of primarily providing access of the universe. Often, the above exists alongside the cliquish providers systems for which pockets are paid off by individuals. In addition, it is evident as per the researchers that another health flush policy includes health care clinics being prioritize, increasing success, and certain special funds being do available (Manning 4). The above is seen when President Nixon Richard decided to tackle cancer, and he planned to channel some millions of dollars to run research work. Similarly, other health issues like the aids, small pox just to mention but a few are other forms of health policy that Medicaid put up for the fight of the health care issues.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Dragon Rider Essay Example for Free

The Dragon Rider EssayThe Dragon Rider is an adventure delusion novel by Cornelia Funke. The Thief Lord and Inkheart, two other novels by this author, became bestsellers and now Funkes admirers keep enjoy her next work by her. The Dragon Rider is a classical fiction novel. straightforward linear narration makes the makeing easy, while snuff itly characters and twisted plot make it interesting. In the runner of narration the novel is set in peaceful Scottish valley. Dragons, who live there atomic number 18 jeopardise by the invasion of men. tartar, a young silver dragon is the main character of the novel. He starts his move to find legendary Rim of Heaven, a place where dragons can live in peace. Orphan eschew, rascal Sorrel and homunculus Twigleg accompany him in his long and dangerous journeying. They make a long focusing crossing Europe and passing Middle East in order to have India. Together friends father a lot of exiting adventures. They have to fight terribl e artificial dragon Nettlebrand, who wants to destroy all dragons and reach magical Rim of Heaven.Confrontation between Firedrake and Nettlebrand make the main external conflict of the story. Firedrake and his friends have as well as to fight giant eagles, wicked dwarfs and little elves. All bad characters of the novel are dark and diabolic and threaten Firedrake and his friends. Luckily, there are creatures, who are ready to help friends. discover serpent, djinn and Professor Greenbloom help them to escape their enemies. All characters of the novel are interesting and unique. Each of them has something, which makes the readers care close his or her further fate.Wit dialogues makes the reading easy and interesting. Despite the book is pretty long it is read quickly. Simple narration style makes this novel a page-turner and a very enjoyable read. The book is worthy by the big number of characters and succession of episodes, where main characters meet different obstacles on their way to the goal. visionary places and events described by the author place the reader into wonderful imaginary world, where everything is possible and mysterious creatures live next to ordinary people.The story is not only a description of Firedrakes adventures. It is also a story of real friendship, self-sacrifice and achieving goals. Despite characters of the novel are imaginary creatures, they behave alike(p) humans and have same problems as people do. They suffer and laugh, doubt and look for important answers. The journey helps the main characters to discover inner strength and power. They learn to achieve their goals and care about the feelings of others. Orphan Ban finds friends he did not manage to meet among people.Little dragon Firedrake destroys myth about evil dragons and proves that they can be kind and caring creatures, who hurt nobody. Even Sorrel, who makes fun of everything and everybody turns to be kind-hearted and caring creature. The economic order of friends hip is one of the main themes of the novel. The author wants to readers to understand that all creatures can exist peacefully in the Universe. People and dragons, serpents and brownies, they all can coexist peacefully. Our planet is diverse and there is decent space for everybody here.The value of human life and all creatures, which live on our planet, is another important message of the book. The main characters pass to this realization by the end of the novel. In addition, they visit a lot of interesting places and discover a lot of important things about themselves. Corneila Funke wants her readers to know that any goal can be achieved if you have enough courage in your heart and true friends ready to help you. Sources Funke, Cornelia. , Dragon Rider, Published by fearful House, 2004.