Friday, December 27, 2019

Learning Self-Analysis Essay - 546 Words

I once thought of myself as a slow learner. My friends and acquaintances seemed to have knowledge and experiences unknown to me. I now realize I was a sheltered learner. My sensory input was limited. What I saw, read, heard, and even did, was limited to what my parents, teachers, preachers and even my spouse, thought I should experience. Reading, which once seemed restricted to school books, the Bible, and parenting books, became an adventure to a new life. I acquired new desires, dreams, goals and thoughts. I developed a can-do attitude instead of a ‘wait-and-see’ approach to living. Instead of spending countless hours watching television, I checked out books from the library. In waiting rooms I would select magazines with†¦show more content†¦I wanted more information. I wanted to hear their story. I wanted to know how they did it, what they thought afterwards, and what they would do different. I began listening to different music styles. I signed up for various seminars and joined a few clubs. I wanted to hear what other people had to say. I no longer had feeling of being sheltered. I wanted to see America from the mountains to the plains, from the East Coast to the West Coast, and I did. I have visited many of the sites I have heard about and read about. I saw New York when the Twin towers were still new. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the street vendors up and down The Avenue of Americans. I have seen the Seattle Space Needle and Mount St. Helens before and after the eruption of May 1980. At the Mojave airport in Mojave, California, I saw the Voyager aircraft that was flown by Dick Rutan Jeana Yeager, in 1986, non-stop around the world. I have seen the dreams of others when I attended the Experimental Aircraft Association fly-in at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. As an adult I experienced laughing like a child during a visit at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Just this past summer, I enjoyed hearing joyful laughter from my granddaughter when we visited Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I have experi enced the bitter cold of winter in the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. And I have felt the hot and humid summer days along the Gulf Coast at Long Beach, Mississippi. IShow MoreRelatedLearning Self-Analysis for Nursing Program972 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Jpz777 4/15/2013 Order # 2090876 1.) What are the 4 types of Advanced Practice Nurses? What is the educational preparation for each and what role do they commonly have?   In order to be classified as an Advanced Practice Nurse, one must attain either a Masters or Doctoral degree in the field of clinical nursing. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Advertising and the Womens Movement - 1942 Words

Avoiding eye contact and cowering with her legs together, Aphrodite’s naked pudica pose in the Venus de Medici ironically calls attention to the areas that she is trying hide, her breast and genitals (fig. 1). The futile attempts to hide her anatomy would be insignificant if not for the pudica’s contrasting counterpart, the male contrapposto pose, shown in figure 2. The nude male stands in a confident upright posture with his head held high and penis proudly exposed. In ancient Greece a man’s penis was a symbol of his strength, intelligence and authority, whereas pudica, â€Å"pudendus,† in Latin, means female genitalia and shame. According to Etienne Walla, an expert of Law, and Elisha Renne, who has a Ph.D. in Anthropology, evidence suggests†¦show more content†¦Explained by Jeanne van Eeden, a professor in the Visual Arts Department at the University of Pretoria South Africa, advertising in capitalistic societies has a tremendous role in shapin g how people view the world they live in (Eeden 3). She goes on to say, â€Å"Advertising images†¦stem from sets of power relations and enlist cultural codes, stereotypes, myths and ideologies in their social production of meaning† (Eeden 3). In other words, modern advertising reflects cultural class systems. Therefore, the poststructural feminist argument made by art historian Eunice Lipton that women did not form their own identities because they were not allowed to participate in art history, supports the idea that reoccurring images of women like the pudica pose created strict ‘feminine’ standards based on male expectations (Lipton 10). Even though women were enjoying the same freedoms as men, by the 1970s the obsessive preoccupation with the female body that took over American media made it apparent that the impact of long-standing male dominance had already corrupted the female psyche. In order to appreciate the dramatic challenge faced by the Women’s Movement throughout the 1960s it’s important to know the extent that the flagrant and unapologetic misogynist atmosphere had on U.S. advertising. Women were still portrayed with the passive nature of the Medici Venus; however a direct gazeShow MoreRelatedIdentity : Social Identity And Self Identity Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pagesp370). Advertising plays an important role in constructing ideologies and social expectation in society, which has a large influences on what people consider as their gender identity. Ideologies exist solely because the society chooses to believe it, as it is how we make sense of the world (O’shaughnessy Stadler, 2012, p371). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Common Law Principle Deliverable State

Question: Describe about the Common Law Principle of Deliverable State. Answer: The principle of Nemo dat quad non habit meaning no one gives what he doesn't have is a common law principle that gives right to the first buyer over the second one on the pretext that the agent selling the goods to a third party has no right to sell it further. Therefore, in the present case Harris owns the carpet because of the following reasons: Bona fide purchaser: Harris is a Bona Fide purchaser and therefore she has the ownership of the carpet as she has paid the consideration, ownership has passed to Harris the moment she made the payment although there was no actual possession. Estoppel by negligence: estoppel applies on the seller as he owes a duty of care towards Harris and it was the sellers duty to protect the goods sold by him and there was negligence on the sellers part. In Mercantile Credit Co Ltd v Hamblin, 1965 it was held that to prove estoppels by negligence it was necessary to prove that the seller had a duty of care against the buyer. Qui prior est tempore potior est jure: both the buyers are bona fide purchasers of the carpet, the second purchaser has an equal right as he bought it under the representation that the assistant has a right to sell and bought it in good faith, without notice of the fact that it was already sold. Therefore, in such situations according to the common law, as applied in the case of Rice v. Rice 1853, it was held that where there are equitable interests in all fairness and justice and it is assessed that both the buyers are equal in capacity then priority of time will be given. Therefore Harris being a bona fide purchaser and also since both Harris and Lewis have a right over the carpet equally as they are both bona fide purchasers therefore, the rule of Qui prior est tempore potior est jure (where priority in time of creation gives better equity) will apply. 6) You are Benners lawyer and Mr. Benner has come to you for advice. Advise Mr. Benner. It is advised that, the property did not transfer to Benner and therefore it is not his liability that the timber was damaged in fire. As per Section 21 of Sales of goods act, 1954, the goods are not transferred to the buyer until they are ascertained unless otherwise agreed (Section 22). In the present case the timber remains unascertained until it has been converted into a deliverable state, which includes cutting, trimming, packing as well as timber marking by Chen as was held by the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the case of A.M.S. Equipement Inc. v. Case, 1999 6274 (BC SC). It was also held under similar circumstances that in such a case that unless it is agreed the risk remains with the vendor until the goods are delivered. If the delay in delivery is because of the fault of the vendor then the damage is to be borne by the vendor himself if something happens to the goods befire the goods are transferred even though the complete payment has been made. Hence, the timber was not yet in a deliverable state in the given situation and hence the ownership did not pass to Benner and therefore the damage caused to the timber is to be borne by Chen.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Students And Athletics Essays - Education, Basketball,

Students And Athletics Students should be encouraged to play sports whether it be for school or just in their spare time, but I recommend it more for a team. This gives them so much and the lessons learned are unforgettable. It teaches teamwork, hard work, dedication, health concern, responsibility, good sportsmanship and so much more. They get confidence and are much better students in general. Players must keep their grades up and are much less likely to do drugs and have sex as proven by numerous studies. Even in the off season, they realize how bad health practices can affect their performance. It gives them something to do and keeps them out of trouble. I think athletes are more well rounded people. The only exceptions are the images of other athletes on TV such as Dennis Rodman, that some let the time spent at practice prevent them from doing their full potential in school, injuries, and doing their homework. Teach them all the strong points that sports can benefit them and watch them strive! It can improve their and others' lives by making them healthier, hard working, and determined. There are so many benefits if the sport is taken seriously. So let them play sports or began to play one yourself and become a stronger person. All of this from playing a game of fun and challenge!!!! Sports and Games